Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Thoughts From Mount of Blessing: A Review

Since I retired I have been reading the “Sermon on the Mount” Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7 almost every day. I am planning to keep this up for a while using various translations. It is a really inspiring part of the Bible.

I have also been reading the book “Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings” by Ellen G White which is based on the Sermon on the Mount. Here are some of my favorite quotes from this book:

“The Sermon on the Mount is heaven’s benediction to the world-a voice from the throne of God. It was given to mankind to be to them the law of duty and the light of heaven, their hope and consolation in despondency, their joy and comfort in all the vicissitudes and walks of life. Here the Prince of preachers, the Master teacher, utters the words that the Father gave Him to Speak.”

“Throughout all time the words that Christ spoke from the mount of Beatitudes will retain their power. Every sentence is a jewel from the treasure house of truth. The principles enunciated in this discourse are for all ages and for all classes of men.”

“Happiness drawn from earthly sources is as changeable as varying circumstances can make it; but the peace of Christ is a constant and abiding peace.”

“Not by painful struggles or wearisome toil, not by gift or sacrifice, is righteousness obtained; but it is freely given to every soul who hungers and thirsts to receive it.”

“God is Himself the source of all mercy. His name is ’merciful and gracious.’ He does not treat us according to our desert. He does not ask if we are worthy of His love, but He pours upon us the riches of His love, to make us worthy.”

“The merciful are ‘partakers of the divine nature,’ and in them the compassionate love of God finds expression.”

“While the Lord has not promised His people exemption from trials, He has promised that which is far better. He has said, ‘As thy days, so shall thy strength be.”

“My grace is sufficient for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

“…Jesus did not bid the disciples, ’Strive to make your light shine;’ He said, ‘Let it shine.’ If Christ is dwelling in the heart, it is impossible to conceal the light of His presence.”

“Christ has given us no promise of help in bearing today the burdens of tomorrow. He has said, ‘My grace is sufficient for thee’ but like the manna in the wilderness, His grace is bestowed daily, for the day’s need. Like the hosts of Israel in their pilgrim life, we may find morning by morning the bread of heaven for the day’s supply.”

I highly recommend this book as well as the Chapters from the Bible upon which It is based.

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