Sunday, July 28, 2019

WOODLAWN--One Hope, One Dream, One Way: A Review

The true story of high school football coach Tandy Gerelds, a star running back, and the healing of a city.

Gloried Be They Who Strive for the Equality of All Mankind. The mural on the old Woodlawn schoolhouse proclaimed equality, but in the 1960s Birmingham, there was nothing equal about the student body of Woodlawn High School,

When the Jesus Movement hit the scene in the tumultuous seventies, a new chaplain came to Woodlawn High. Hank Erwin challenged Tony Nathan-the football team’s star running back-“to run with a purpose” and help bring his divided team together.

In the 1974 football game of the season, Coach Tandy Gerelds led the Woodlawn Colonels as they played the Banks Jets. Two football heroes faced each other: African American running back Tony Nathan and Caucasian quarterback Jeff Rutledge, Forty-two thousand fans crammed into the stadium for the big game. In the end, Banks won the game, but the bigger win was for the city of Birmingham and for the coaches, players and families who witnessed what teamwork and fighting for a greater cause can do to heal a city.

When you read this true story you will become acquainted actually with two Chaplains that worked with the Woodlawn football team.  Wales Goebel, a new Christian who came to the coach and asked to be able to speak to the football team. He told his story of becoming a Christian and how it changed his life. Then he gave an altar call to the 48 football players and that evening 44 of them gave their hearts to the Lord.  The Coach did not.

However soon as he watched how now his players black and white were happy and got along with each other and played better, he told God I want what my kids have, and he gave his heart to the Lord.

I was inspired to learn that when they went to play the Jets, they invited the Jets team to a church so they could share their experience with Jesus and how that had made them the team that they had become.

Click here to read more about this amazing story and then be sure and get the book as well as the DVD and  read and watch and be inspired.

Rise Above-How one man's search for mobility helped the world get moving: A Review

When Ralph Braun was 6 years old, he was told that he would not live to see his 13th birthday…

Ralph Braun had two options: sit and wait for that prediction to come true or use those words as fuel to prove it wrong. He never gave it a second thought to which path he would choose.

It is a fascinating story how in spite of muscular dystrophy he went to school where sometimes friends had to carry him up the stairs so he could get to his classroom since most schools were not wheel chair accessible in those days.

Then the wheel chair was too slow to get around so he invented a motorized scooter the Tri-Wheler. When the factory where he was working as a quality control inspector moved a few miles away, he outfitted an old postal jeep with hand controls and a hydraulic lift so he could have reliable transportation to and from work regardless of weather conditions.

No matter who the reader, this book offers something for everyone. Ralph Braun’s story is an inspiration to “rise above” any challenge.

Ralph W Braun was founder and CEO of BraunAbility the largest manufacturer of wheelchair lifts and wheelchair accessible vehicles in the world. He was an innovator and pioneer of the mobility industry and passed away in February 2013 at the age of 72!

I found this story extremely inspiring. Please click here to find out how to order this book and help people who need assistance in paying for their wheelchair accessible vehicles.

The Power of a Promise: A Review

Author Ralph L. Ringer talks about Covenants all the way through this book from the preface where he defines a covenant as a two-sided promise and right on through 8 chapters and the Conclusion of the book.

He traces God’s Covenant with His people starting with Adam and Eve, Noah through Abraham, Moses and the Covenant with Israel, The Covenant revealed through Daniel’s writing and introducing the Messiah fulfilling the Covenant. Then he continues with what he calls, First-Generation Covenant Identity Crisis, and the Expanding Family Tree when the Covenant was shared with non-Jewish people right through to where the Conclusion of the Covenant is completed.

The book details the various Covenants (the same covenant we know but expressed in different ways through the ages) that God made with his people providing salvation from sin.

Ralph Ringer states: “God is already committed to his side of the promise.”

Have you accepted the Messiah’s invitation to be a part of this everlasting covenant?

You can read more about this new book including the entire first chapter. Click here.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

My Dearest Dietrich: A Review

I recently read Eric Metaxas’s book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was quite a person in Hitler’s Germany. I was intrigued when a small mention was made of his fiancĂ©, Maria and, when this book was released telling their story, I was delighted to get a copy.

A staggering love illuminates the dark corners of a Nazi prison. Maria von Wedemeyer knows the heartbreaking realities of war include loved ones who never come back. The last thing this spirited young woman needs is to fall for a man under constant surveillance by the Gestapo. Yet when Dietrich Bonhoeffer, an old family friend comes to comfort the von Wedemeyers after tragic losses, she discovers that love isn’t always logical.

Dietrich himself has determined to keep his distance from romantic attachments. There is too much work to be done for God, and his involvement in the conspiracy to overthrow Hitler’s regime is far too important. But when he encounters a woman whose intelligence and conviction match his own, falling in love may be the bravest step he can take.

With their deep love comes risk--…

It is an extremely fascinating story and quite amazing how in the throes of Nazi Germany they were able to be engaged and encourage each other. Maria visited Dietrich many times in prison. Sadly Dietrich was executed a very short time before the war was over.

The book suggests Dietrich’s influence in life has been greater because of him being martyred.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend it. For more information about the book, follow this link .

God Said It - Trilogy: A Review

This review is about three books of bible stories written by Bradley Booth.

God Said It-sampler which contains 5 stories from the bible.

God Said It-In the Beginning- this booklet contains the story of Creation, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, and the Tower of Babel.

God Said It-The Life of Joseph- this booklet covers, joseph the Dreamer, the prisoner, the governor, and Joseph and his brothers.

Bradley Booth is an excellent story teller and has written these stories to introduce children to the Bible and help them understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God. The colorful illustrations in these booklets enhance the attraction for children of any age.

You can read the first chapter of each of these books online by clicking here. From that page click on the cover In the beginning to read the first chapter of that booklet and from there click on the cover of The Life of Joseph to read the first chapter of that booklet. 

These booklets will make nice gifts for any child age 5-10 years old.

Confessions of a Christian Wife-A Look at Relationships and Faith: A Review

Peek behind the Instagram filters and Photoshop effects for an authentic, laugh-out-loud look at author/blogger Heather Thompson Day’s journey into the arms of husband Seth Michael Day, the cutest boy in her sixth-grade class. Christian women often embrace an unrealistic, fairy-tale view of dating, relationships, marriage, and parenting. Proverbs 31 anyone? But whether your bad-boy boyfriend breaks your heart, your husband’s mother drives you to the brink, or you’re up to your ears in the demands of motherhood, take a breath and dive into this collection of 31 relatable stories.

While this book is especially written for women, I found it very interesting and thought-provoking. I would recommend it for both men and women. Heather Thompson Day is an associate professor of communications at Andrews University and also a speaker and writer for the Barna Group.

She covers so many aspects of relationships in a fun sort of way in these 31 stories, making the book an easy read that can inspire the reader to improve his or her relationship.

You can read the first chapter for Free on line. Click here.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Soul of an American President-The Untold Story of Dwight D. Eisenhower's Faith: A Review

I was born in 1950 and by the time I was old enough to know the name of the President, Eisenhower had been President for a few years. I thought that so far there had been three Presidents; George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Well; I knew there were a few other presidents besides these three, but I didn’t think they were very important.

Anyway I thoroughly enjoyed this new book The Soul of an American President. This is the first book to delve deeply and specifically into the Faith of Eisenhower.

Eisenhower grew up near Abilene Kansas. His family was religious, and he read the whole Bible through as a child but did not join any church until he became President of the United States.

Eisenhower attended and graduated from West Point. A school he could attend for free. He was given various jobs with the military all of which led up to his involvement in World War II where he became the “Supreme Commander of European Operations.”

Eisenhower, though not a member of a church, attended church regularly and spoke about the importance of prayer.

When World War II was finally over, Eisenhower was eventually elected President of the United States. During this time, he had become more vocal about his faith and shortly after his inauguration, he joined the National Presbyterian Church. Church became very important to him and if he was in town he made it a point to be at church each week.

The Authors of this fine book establish the fact that, to President Eisenhower, his faith in God was very important to him.

 You can learn more about this book by clicking here.  I recommend this book and you can purchase a copy at your favorite book store or order it online.

Beyond Defeat-The "Johnny" Johnson Story

I was so happy when I learned this autobiography of the Honorable James E. Johnson has been reprinted. I just had to reread this inspiring book, which I have read about a dozen times and its always is an inspiration to me each time I do so.

This is the story of Dr. Johnson who not only grew up during the depression in the United States of America, he was instrumental and became one of the champions fighting against racial injustice and discrimination.

Dr. Johnson says of his dad:

My father, Richard Jackson Johnson, lived to be 104 and was too positive a thinker, too great a Christian, too forward-looking and loving to feel racial hatred because of long-ago history.

During my growing years, Dad patiently stressed day after day, the good that is within men and women. He said often, “If you look for the worst in a person, you will find it. If you look for the best in a person, you will find that too.”

Dr. Johnson recalls how his dad emphasized good work ethics. He said if you are being paid a dollar give 1.50 worth of work. And he never lacked for having a job.

Johnson joined the marines in the 1940s with a goal to serve 20 years in the marines then go into private business and run for the Senate in 1974. Some people laughed at him.

How many times had Dad told me how proud we should be to be Americans, proud of the flag that stands for all of us, not just the majority, or the rich, or the lucky. God would prove that the American dream was still possible. And He would let me be privileged to be one of His instruments

Beyond Defeat tells of Johnson’s joining in the Marines, working up through various promotions and becoming the 1st member of the black race to become a commissioned warrant officer in the United States Marines, fighting discrimination  which he did successfully. He was successful in breaking down discrimination. He got out of the Marines after 20 years with the plan to run for the Senate in 1974, which he did. Though he did not win the Senate race, he did become the Assistant Secretary of the United States Navy and served his country in several other positions.

I recommend this book highly. You can read the first chapter on line click here. You can also order a book on line or purchase one in a book store

When Your Best Isn't Good Enough: A Review

The subtitle of this book is Breaking Free from Perfectionism and the author is Dr. Kevin Leman.

Dr. Leman examines the problem of “Perfectionism” from several different angles.

He says some people are so intent on doing everything absolutely perfect that they can accomplish very little and eventually may give up!

Some people compare themselves with others and just cannot measure up.

Some people have been compared to others by their parents, teachers or friends so much so such that they feel like giving up because it seems like they can never do the activity they’re being compared as well as these others they’re being compared to.

Each person in the entire universe is different. Some things one person can do better than others. It may be that what you are doing is not where you have the gift inherent in you to excel in that specific thing.

Dr. Leman tells several stories about people who “failed” and “failed” but kept on keeping on and found the right fit for their capabilities and became someone great.

Dr Leman writes:

People can find fault with you for any reason. Some people, it seems, have dedicated their lives to criticizing faults in others.

But remember, whenever you are victimized by such people, or whenever your best efforts aren’t good enough, I want you to remember a few of your fellow human beings who were also viciously criticized and who suffered rejection and failure: Men like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Winston Churchill.

Yes sir. The next time somebody tells you that something you did wasn’t good enough or puts you down in any way, just lift your head and remember you’re keeping some mighty fine company.

You can find more information on this book by clicking here. You can also check out this at your local bookstore or order it online.