Friday, September 1, 2017

Man-Eaters of Malekula: A Review

This is the story of Cannibals in the South Sea Islands and the missionaries that brought salvation and civilization to these islands

The South Seas Islands known as the New Hebrides consist of 80 Islands stretching some 450 miles long and in 1839, when the first Christian missionaries came to these islands, the islands were inhabited by Cannibals. These two missionaries arrived and within minutes of their disembarking from their boat, they were killed and subsequently eaten!

About 20 years later John Paton, another Presbyterian missionary, came to the island but, before leaving his home for the journey, he was told by one of the church leaders in Scotland, “If you go to that hate-filled land, you will be eaten.”
John Paton’s reply was, “If I live and die knowing the Lord Jesus it will make no difference whether I am eaten by cannibals or eaten by worms.”

So, John came to the island. His wife died in childbirth the following year and their baby son a week later but he labored on, distraught and lonely.
More Presbyterian missionaries came some of whom were eaten by the cannibals.

In the early 1900’s several different Adventist missionaries came. They built upon the work that the earlier Presbyterian missionaries had begun but there was still much cannibalism and darkest heathenism. 
This book is a thrilling story of how God could turn heathen cannibals into beautiful Christians.

You can read the first chapter for free at the following link:

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