Thursday, March 23, 2017

Life Is Tremendous A Review

For some of you reading this you probably know or have met me before; for those who have not, my name is Paul. I have been in the book publishing industry for more than 45 years and recently retired only to ask myself, what next? Well, what next is starting this blog to share my love of books and knowledge gained in the book publishing industry all these decades.
As my maiden blog, I would like to share my thoughts on a book by Charlie "Tremendous" Jones titled "Life Is Tremendous" which is one of the earliest books I ever read but is still in print.
Charlie has since passed on but I am happy to have a copy of the book he autographed for me which is in part my inspiration to start this blog.
To quote Charlie, "Do you want to be productive, healthy and secure? Enthusiasm makes the difference!" This, in essence, is the theme in Charlie's book.
I love several things he says and another quote I would like to share from this book is; " You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read." I highly recommend this very readable book by  Charlie "Tremendous" Jones.

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