Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Place for Us Guys: A Review

This book by Charles Burkeen was published in 2007 but I just recently took the time to read it. I should have read it sooner.I probably would have sold more copies while I was working in the bookstore. It is a great read.
Charles Burkeen explores what he considers the differences between, Women, Men and Guys.  Whichever category you fall into this book will  either help you to understand yourself better or to understand others better.
Actually my wife read this book first and kept encouraging me to read it which I finally did.
You can get a really good understanding of the book by reading the first complete chapter at the following link:
Once you have read the first chapter I would expect that you will want to read the entire book. So be prepared to go ahead and order a copy .
To sum it all up “ God has made you for a reason, and He’s matched you up with your family and friends for a reason. Keep exploring the purpose of your life and give it all to God. May God  bless you as you continue to grow in your understanding of who you are in His eyes.”

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