Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Faith of Desmond Doss: A Review

The Hacksaw Ridge Movie produced by Mel Gibson has been a very popular movie. Now you can learn more about the hero of this movie Desmond Doss in a 32-page booklet entitled The Faith of Desmond Doss by John Bradshaw.

For those who might not be acquainted with the story, Desmond Doss was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church who was given conscientious objector status in World War II, having refused to bear arms on religious grounds.

Mr. Doss instead served as a medic, the only way he could adhere to the Sixth Commandment as well as the Fourth Commandment, to honor the Sabbath.

While Mr. Doss was at first ridiculed for refusing to carry a gun when the fighting began, the men who ridiculed him not too long thereafter changed tune and now wanted to be sure that Mr. Doss was assigned to their unit.

In the famous Hacksaw Ridge episode, Desmond saved 75 wounded soldiers while under enemy fire, which is a depiction of what Mr. Doss did for real in the battle of Okinawa in 1945.

After the war, Mr. Doss was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Harry Truman becoming the first conscientious objector to receive this honor.

How did Mr. Doss have such great faith that he could go into battle without a weapon and face the enemy with this much confidence? There were two things that Desmond took with him into combat: (1) prayer and (2) his pocket Bible-which had been given to him by his wife, Dorothy. He kept these two items with him at all times.

The unusual thing about this persistent non-combat medic was not only his determination to save as many lives as he could, but the fact that he ventured toward enemy lines without a gun. Yet Desmond Doss was not totally defenseless. He was armed with faith. Into every combat, he carried the Word of God which the Bible refers to as the sword of the Spirit. Desmond regularly read his Bible and he knew how to prepare for battle.

In this little booklet is a powerful message telling how anyone can have the same kind of faith that Mr. Doss had. This booklet can be ordered by calling 1-888-664-5573 or 1-800-765-6955.

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