Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Loving Luther: A Review

In this extremely fascinating Novel Allison Pittman tells the story of Katharina von Bora who became the wife of Martin Luther and is being celebrated in 2017 in commemoration of 500 years since he nailed his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg Church door in Germany. This sparked the Protestant Reformation.

In the dark of night, Katharina von Bora says the bravest good-bye a six year old can muster and walks away as the heavy convent gate closes behind her.
Though the cold walls offer no comfort, Katharina soon finds herself calling the convent her home.God, her Father. She takes her vows—a choice more practical than pious, but, in time, a seed of discontent is planted by the smuggled writings of a rebellious, excommunicated priest named Martin Luther. The message: That Katharina is subject to God, and no one else. Could the Lord truly desire more for her than this life of servitude?

In her first true step of faith, Katharina leaves the only life she has ever known. But the freedom she has craved comes with a price, and she finds she has traded one life of isolation for another. Without the security of the convent walls, or a family of her own, Katharina must trust in both the God who saved her and the man who paved a way for rescue. Luther’s friends are quick to offer shelter, but Katharina longs for all Luther has promised: a home, a husband, perhaps even a chance to fall in love.
Look for this brand new book at your favorite book store .

Click here for more information.

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