Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Suggested Devotionals for 2018

Daily Devotionals are one way to help a person start or end their day close to God. Here are several that I recommend. Each one will have a Click here opportunity to read about them and most of them you will be able to read the first chapter on line to become acquainted with it.

The Devotional Clear Word-by Jack Blanco click here
ADULT- Words to Live-By by Jack Blanco click here

Evening – Christ Triumphant by Ellen G White click here
Boxed set- This is a nice boxed set of the above two titles which makes for a nice gift set to give to anyone including yourself—click here

Women- Notes of Joy, written by Women for Women edited by Carolyn Rathbun Sutton click here
Young Adult- Calling by Troy Fitzgerald click here 

Teen- God Space by Tompaul Wheeler click here
Junior/Early-teen- What If by Bradley Booth  click here

Primary- Talking With God by Sueli de Oliveira and Marta Irokawa click here
Preschool- My Time With Jesus by Lopes, Figueiredo and Macedo click here

2018 is another year to draw closer to God- Devotionals can be a great help in that.

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