Thursday, December 28, 2017

500 Years of Protest and Liberty: A Review

500 Years of Protest and Liberty-From Martin Luther to Modern Civil Rights by author Nicholas P. Miller is a lively and intensely readable contribution to the debate over the intersection of America’s two most radioactive issues: religion and politics.

Miller brings balance, thoughtfulness, and a great deal of insight to a discussion often marred by fierce polarization and simplistic generalizations. He provides a consistent historical overview, reaching back to the Protestant Reformation itself and moving forward to the founding of America and on into the twenty-first century.
The question is raised if we hope to make America great again, isn’t it important to know what made it great to begin with? Nicholas Miller asserts that the answer to this question involves an understanding of America’s Protestant backgrounds and the source of its ideals of representative government and civil and religious freedoms.

The 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 is a perfect time to reflect on these critical issues.
I found this book carefully written with concisely presented historical information showing how America developed its form of government and its civil and religious freedoms. Reading the book also helped me to understand better how complicated and complex these issues can be.

Click here to read the first chapter of the book online for free.

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