Monday, December 4, 2017

Never Enough: A Review

Never Enough? Authored by Ron Blue with Karen Guess is one of the finest books I have read on Christian money management.  This book was published in 2017 so is right up to date with useful and current information.

Have you ever worried that doubling down on your debt repayment is robbing your family of memories and fun? Or had a major appliance fail, right after splurging on an expensive purchase or vacation? The tension between giving to church or charity and paying for your kid’s tuition or sports equipment is real.
Money and life are inextricably linked. They don’t run on independent tracks but rather continually exist together, both of them somehow needing to be handled with steady applications of wisdom and biblical integrity, even when they seem in direct competition.

Veteran financial counselor and trusted author Ron Blue helps you navigate the seeming incompatibilities of money management. His liberating, simplifying analysis breaks down all your financial options to a basic four—plus the biblical principal of giving generously, then shows you how to adeptly keep them spinning alongside each other without leaving you consumed by confusion or regret with all your dreams, plans, and principles still intact.
Ron Blue lists these 5 Wise Principles which really is the theme throughout the book:

1.       Spend less than you earn-because every success in your financial life depends of this habit.

2.       Avoid debt-because debt always mortgages the future

3.       Give generously-because giving breaks the power of money

4.       Save for the unexpected/Plan for financial margin because the unexpected will occur

5.       Set long term goals because there is always a trade-off between the short term and the long term.
I encourage you to get a copy of this book whether you are young or older and be inspired and blessed with this wise counsel that Ron Blue draws from the Bible as well as life experiences.

This book is available at book stores or online from

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