Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage: A Review

 “A thrilling reading experience! One of the greatest adventure stories of our times.” The New York Times Book Review

Author Alfred Lansing published this book in 1959 and it has been a best seller through the years.  Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on The Family, published a new edited edition in 1999 with a foreword and an afterword written by Dr Dobson which includes material showing a spiritual emphasis that was not included in the original book.

Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton and his crew embarked on an expedition in 1914, seeking to be the first humans to cross the South Polar continent. It is difficult to overstate the challenges of such an undertaking. The Weddell Sea, through which they were about to sail on a three-masted wooden vessel, would batter them with gale-force winds up to 150 miles per hour and waves 80 feet high. Temperatures would regularly plunge to minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Ultimately, the men would have to deal with Drake Passage, which is described as the ‘worst bit of ocean on the globe.’ They would also suffer the oppressive darkness of the Antarctic winter, which is almost incomprehensible. Lansing described it this way: ‘In all the world there is no desolation more complete than the polar night. It is a return to the ice age-no warmth, no life, no movement. Only those who have experience it can appreciate what it means to be without the sun day after day and week after week. Few men unaccustomed to it can fight off its effects altogether, and it has driven some men mad.’

Shackleton understood fully the hazards that would assail him [and wrote,] ‘The expedition was not going (to be) a peaceful cruise to the South Sea Islands, but a most dangerous, difficult, and strenuous work that has nearly always involved a certain percentage of loss of life.’ Despite this candor, Shackleton received more than 5,000 applications from which he selected 27 courageous and determined men. With that the crew and its courageous captain set sail for the most desolate and lonely region on earth.

The wooden ship named Endurance was 144 feet long.  Her keel members were four pieces of solid oak, one above the other, adding to a total thickness of 7 feet, 1 inch.  Her bow, where she would meet the ice head-on had received special attention. Each of the timbers there had been fashioned from a single oak tree especially selected so that its natural growth followed the curve of her design. When assembled, these pieces had a total thickness of 4 feet, 4 inches.
The Endurance got stuck in an ice pack and finally the crew had to abandon the ship. They spent months living on a giant ice flow. Eventually when the ice began to break up they were able to launch the lifeboats and miraculously were able to land on the small and treacherous Elephant Island.

From there Shackelton took 5 of his men in one of the lifeboats and sailed for the Island of South Georgia to get a boat to come and rescue his men. 
This was an 800-mile journey across the stormiest ocean on the globe. Well; they did reach South Georgia Island on the uninhabited side. No one had ever hiked across it and it was considered impossible. Nevertheless Shackleton and two of his men undertook to make the hike. It took 36 hours.

Shackleton in telling of his experiences said, ‘I have no doubt that Providence guided us, not only across the snowfields, but across the storm-white sea that separated Elephant Island from our landing-place on South Georgia. I know that during that long and racking march of thirty-six hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers of South Georgia  it seemed to me often that we were four, not three.’ Shackleton appears in this instance to have been referencing the Bible story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, when the Hebrew captives were thrown into the fiery furnace. The ‘fourth man’ seen walking in the midst of the fire on that occasion was ‘like the Son of God’ (Daniel 3:25).
Shackleton was able to return to Elephant Island with a ship and rescue all of the men left there.

I would encourage you to read this entire book. Check at your favorite book store or click here to read more about this book and to order a copy on line.

Stories From Sunnyside: Ellen White in Australia 1891-1900: A Review

"Marian de Berg has created a jewel that combines the talents of a storyteller and a serious historian. This delightful account of Ellen White’s time in Australia is supported by meticulous research and will become required reading for denominational scholars.” – Dr John Hammond, former Director of Education, Australian Union Conference.

I really enjoyed this recently published book. Many of the stories in this book have never been previously published. Not only does the book tell of her leadership in the growth of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Australia but as Jim Nix director of the Ellen G White Estate states:

While the leadership Ellen White gave the church in Australia was important, her impressive attempt to emulate the loving actions of Jesus in her own life are as much a part of Stories from Sunnyside. It is no wonder that her neighbors, including those not of Ellen White’s religious faith, loved and respected her; likewise, those who knew Ellen White best and worked with her most closely during the years she lived half-way around the world from her home country. Getting to know more of the real Ellen White-who she was and what she was like on a daily basis- will enrich your reading of her writings.
To learn more about this book and to order a copy on line click here.

From the Hood to the Hill: A Story of Overcoming: A Review

62nd Chaplain of the United States Senate, Rear Admiral (Ret.) U.S. Navy, Barry Black tells his story in this incredible autobiography.

It’s a story of beating the odds and keeping the faith.

Barry Black credits his strong spiritual beginnings to his mother’s prayer at her baptism when she asked God to bless the child within her. Using vignettes and illustrations from family, education, religion, the military, and politics, Black presents a determined and unyielding faith in his Creator. His confidence in God’s control of his life led not only to amazing achievement but also to abiding peace when things didn’t go as planned.

From the Hood to the Hill describes the obstacles and unlikely paths that led Barry Black to become:
              A two-star Navy Admiral

The only African-American to ever serve as U.S. Navy Chief of Chaplains
            The first person of color in the nation’s history to serve as Chaplain of the U.S. Senate

From the Hood to the Hill demonstrates that there are no shortcuts to excellence. With frankness and insight, Barry Black shows how you can find blessings in affliction, harness the power of prayer, and learn to lead.
Barry Black writes:

As a people and nation, we face challenges our founding forebears didn’t imagine. Nonetheless, I take courage in the fact that God finishes what He starts. He is still in the blessing business of bringing people and nations from nowhere to somewhere, if we will only do our part.
This is definitely one of the most inspiring autobiographies that I have read. To read more about this book and to order it on line click here.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sure Salvation You can know you have eternal life: A Review

Author Philipp W. Dunham begins the book as follows:

‘Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so.’ Cradle roll stuff, right? Isn’t it interesting that children seem to have no problem with this universe-shaking idea and all that it implies? They sing it. They shout it. And can you imagine?-they just believe the whole song for what it says, as if it were true or something!
Pastor Dunham tells how he became a Pastor and one day was invited to a weeklong seminar at the Campus Crusade for Christ headquarters at Arrowhead Springs, in San Bernardino, California. The Seminar was on how to share the gospel and lead people to Christ.

The people I met were wholesome and sincere. They didn’t know some of the truths of the Bible that I knew, but they knew Christ and were intent on sharing Him with as many people as they could reach; they gave a centrality to Jesus that warmed my heart. Some of the major spiritual presentations were “How to Live the Cleansed Life’’ “How to Love by Faith,” “How to Be filled With the Spirit,” and “How to Fulfill the Great Gospel Commission.” Over and over again, they uplifted Jesus with such beauty and simplicity that my soul was mightily stirred.
Pastor Dunham states:

When I returned home from that week, I had changed. I didn’t preach less about the commandments, the Sabbath, and the distinguishing points of the faith that God has revealed to this people, (Seventh-day Adventists) but I did preach more about Jesus, the gospel, the assurance we can have in Jesus, and righteousness by faith. And in the years following, “the longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.”
Pastor Dunham says “I want to share that experience with you.”

A quote from Martin Luther: “When I look at myself I don’t see how I can be saved. When I look at Jesus, I don’t see how I can be lost.”
Ellen White wrote, “There are thousands today who need to learn the same truth that was taught to Nicodemus by the uplifted serpent. They depend on their obedience to the law of God to commend them to His favor. When they are bidden to look to Jesus, and believe that He saves them solely through His grace, they exclaim, ‘How can these things be?’”

I highly recommend this book and you can read the first chapter for free on line by clicking here.

Total Member Involvement: A Review

This is a brand new bok authored by popular author and preacher Alejandro Bullon.

It is a message all of us as God’s children are called to serve others and to love them and thus draw them to Jesus.
More than merely a call to serve, this book presents simple, practical ways for each one of us to enlist as workers for God-whether across the ocean or across the street.

Total Member Involvement includes, men, women, youth, and children all proclaiming God’s truth. Laypersons are to unite with pastors and church leaders. This is what Total Member Involvement is all about-everyone doing something for Jesus-whether you are a layperson, a pastor, a man, a woman, a young person or a child. May God bless, in every form possible, the evangelistic outreach to the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is coming soon!-Ted.N.C. Wilson,president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Here are some of the suggestions given in this book of ways to reach out and bless people.

1-      Cook a meal for someone who is sick.

2-      Give food to a homeless person.

3-      Donate clothing in the condition that you would like clothing donated to you.

4-      Give someone a Bible study.

5-      Organize a small group to impact your community.

6-      Go where people gather. Learn to love people, and to feel compassion for them.

7-      Take every opportunity to cultivate friendships with others.

8-      Talk to people about what they want, not about what you want.

9-      Accept people as they are and not as you would like them to be.

10-   Smile and be enthusiastic about your faith in the Lord.

11-   Bake Bread and share a loaf with your neighbors.

12-   Ask God to help you find a need in the Community and meet that need.
This book can inspire us to love people and find ways to bless them.  To read the first chapter for free on line click here.

So Close to Amazing: A Review

This book is authored by KariAnne Wood and contains stories of a DIY (Do it Yourself) life gone wrong and learning to find the beauty in every imperfection.
While this book is specially written for women I enjoyed it very much.

The author says:

This book is a celebration of you and me- the incredible, awesome, yes –we-sometimes-mess-it-all-up you and me. It’s my own story of figuring out that perfection is overemphasized and overrated, of learning from mistakes and rejoicing over every victory, no matter how small.

Because when you embrace the imperfect you God created you to be, you’ll discover the amazing that was there all along.
KariAnne tells how she and her husband living in Texas decided they would like to move to the country and so they moved to Kentucky!

So they need to sell their house-read about how a couple knocks at their door and looks at the house and says they want to buy it.
A few interesting quotes from the book to describe KariAnne and things she learned.

Embrace the you God created you to be and discover the amazing that was there all along.
God has been there all along. Waiting. Inviting us to pause and listen.

We were here for the lessons we were going to learn.
Every house needs a happily-ever-after.

We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer.
Sometimes what looks like trash is actually treasure.

Through my vulnerability I had opened an unexpected door for friendship.
When the river is rising and sandbagging is in your future, it’s time to call a friend, Or a town.

But in the end Truly, all we needed was a little faith.
You can check for this book at your local store or go to  to order it on line and also to learn more about the book and the author.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tears to Joy: A Review

Mike Tucker author of this book is the speaker/director for Faith for Today Television and host of the award-winning television program, Lifestyle Magazine. For years in his work as a counselor, pastor and chaplain he has taught classes on grief recovery.

In the Preface of the book Mike Tucker states; I pointed to the research, talked about my own experience and shared stories of grief from those I had been able to help. All in all, my teaching was helpful, and many people acknowledged the value it brought to their own process of recovery.

Although I had experienced losses in my own life, I never had the life-altering, devastating loss that is only experienced through the death of a mate or a child or through divorce. These three losses are among the worst that humans experience in life.

All that changed on April 10, 2016 when Gayle Anne Whitacre Tucker-my wife, best friend, and co-laborer of more than 40 years-passed away. Her loss was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

My life was in shambles, but losing Gayle had another unexpected impact. Her death put to the test everything I had ever taught in every grief-recovery class through the decades. It forced me to reevaluate everything I taught and thought I knew.

After putting my own teaching to the test, I can tell you with full confidence that the published literature and the time-tested research is, in fact reliable. While every person and every experience of loss is different, the literature still applies and can be of inestimable value.

Mike Tucker tells how he made a plan to grieve and how it helped him through the grieving process.
Coming from one who has been trained, taught the classes and also experienced grief and loss personally makes this book an exceptional study for a person who is grieving and also for one who is needing to understand and help a grieving person.

To read the first chapter of this book for free click here.

Boldly Brave God's Courageous Champions: A Review

Boldly Brave God’s Courageous Champions is a book of Bible stories retold by authors Kirsten A Roggenkamp and Heather Blaire.

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be part of the stories in the Bible? We, the authors, did too, so we decided to read the stories and then write them using creative imagination. We added a few extra characters to help the readers of this book feel more connected to the people and events. Some of the Bible stories did not include the names of the people involved, so we chose names for them. In many places we took the conversations as recorded in the Bible and put them into words that were easier to read. Look up the stories at the end of each chapter to read the stories directly from the Bible. We hope and pray that everyone who reads this book falls in love with the Bible Stories and the God who shows His love through them

I enjoyed the extra details that very well could have happened in the actual happening of the story such as when Josiah the 8-year old boy who became King when he asks in his childhood, “can I go out to play with my friends?”
At the end of each story there are suggested activities to help the reader understand the story better and questions to help one to think about the story.

I really enjoyed this book and you can read the first chapter for free on line here