Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sure Salvation You can know you have eternal life: A Review

Author Philipp W. Dunham begins the book as follows:

‘Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so.’ Cradle roll stuff, right? Isn’t it interesting that children seem to have no problem with this universe-shaking idea and all that it implies? They sing it. They shout it. And can you imagine?-they just believe the whole song for what it says, as if it were true or something!
Pastor Dunham tells how he became a Pastor and one day was invited to a weeklong seminar at the Campus Crusade for Christ headquarters at Arrowhead Springs, in San Bernardino, California. The Seminar was on how to share the gospel and lead people to Christ.

The people I met were wholesome and sincere. They didn’t know some of the truths of the Bible that I knew, but they knew Christ and were intent on sharing Him with as many people as they could reach; they gave a centrality to Jesus that warmed my heart. Some of the major spiritual presentations were “How to Live the Cleansed Life’’ “How to Love by Faith,” “How to Be filled With the Spirit,” and “How to Fulfill the Great Gospel Commission.” Over and over again, they uplifted Jesus with such beauty and simplicity that my soul was mightily stirred.
Pastor Dunham states:

When I returned home from that week, I had changed. I didn’t preach less about the commandments, the Sabbath, and the distinguishing points of the faith that God has revealed to this people, (Seventh-day Adventists) but I did preach more about Jesus, the gospel, the assurance we can have in Jesus, and righteousness by faith. And in the years following, “the longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.”
Pastor Dunham says “I want to share that experience with you.”

A quote from Martin Luther: “When I look at myself I don’t see how I can be saved. When I look at Jesus, I don’t see how I can be lost.”
Ellen White wrote, “There are thousands today who need to learn the same truth that was taught to Nicodemus by the uplifted serpent. They depend on their obedience to the law of God to commend them to His favor. When they are bidden to look to Jesus, and believe that He saves them solely through His grace, they exclaim, ‘How can these things be?’”

I highly recommend this book and you can read the first chapter for free on line by clicking here.

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