Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Tears to Joy: A Review

Mike Tucker author of this book is the speaker/director for Faith for Today Television and host of the award-winning television program, Lifestyle Magazine. For years in his work as a counselor, pastor and chaplain he has taught classes on grief recovery.

In the Preface of the book Mike Tucker states; I pointed to the research, talked about my own experience and shared stories of grief from those I had been able to help. All in all, my teaching was helpful, and many people acknowledged the value it brought to their own process of recovery.

Although I had experienced losses in my own life, I never had the life-altering, devastating loss that is only experienced through the death of a mate or a child or through divorce. These three losses are among the worst that humans experience in life.

All that changed on April 10, 2016 when Gayle Anne Whitacre Tucker-my wife, best friend, and co-laborer of more than 40 years-passed away. Her loss was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

My life was in shambles, but losing Gayle had another unexpected impact. Her death put to the test everything I had ever taught in every grief-recovery class through the decades. It forced me to reevaluate everything I taught and thought I knew.

After putting my own teaching to the test, I can tell you with full confidence that the published literature and the time-tested research is, in fact reliable. While every person and every experience of loss is different, the literature still applies and can be of inestimable value.

Mike Tucker tells how he made a plan to grieve and how it helped him through the grieving process.
Coming from one who has been trained, taught the classes and also experienced grief and loss personally makes this book an exceptional study for a person who is grieving and also for one who is needing to understand and help a grieving person.

To read the first chapter of this book for free click here.

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