Sunday, June 10, 2018

God Space Daily Devotion for Teens: A Review

Tompaul Wheeler, author of this recent Teen Devotional along with a few friends of Tompaul have written 365 readings to make a great read over a year—or like I just did over a few days!

Tompaul says he wrote this book to explore God through a mix of topics.
            Innovation. Music. Media. Bucking the system.

Adventism. It’s a people. It’s a belief system. We’ll look at the long and the short of it.
            Bible. Biblical, spiritual, archaeological, and sociological insights.

Science. The universe from neurons to nebulae. Real perspective on evolution, creation, medicine-and everything else God has made.
            Spirit. The subtleties of God working around and within us.

Life. From romance and sex, to self-image to the end of the world, it’s what you face in the everyday.
           Mission. God’s calling in your life-put in action.

I enjoy a teen devotional from time to time and this one did not disappoint.  Tompaul wrote this devotional to encourage teens to determine to put God in first place and along the way discover God’s mission for their life.

You can read the first chapter on line by clicking here

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