Friday, June 29, 2018

Penny-Pinching Principles for Money-Wise Parents: A Review

Definitely this is one of the very best 31 page booklets I have ever read! Gordonn Botting, the author, does a masterful job of presenting 31 readings on how to handle money and how to teach your children to handle money in a responsible way and to prepare your children for a successful financial future.

The old saying ‘Money makes the world go round’ is no less true today than when it was first quoted decades ago. Money affects everything that we-as a community, as a church, and as a family-accomplish, purchase, and achieve.
Learn about the 4 temperaments and how they apply to money and people:

Daring Lions (Cholerics)
Playful Otters (Sanguines)

Golden Retrievers (Phlegmatics)
Intense Beavers (Melancholics)

Here are a few of the Parenting Tips explored in this book:

Show your kids that the debt-free life is wonderful! Your paycheck goes much farther if you are not paying interest, and you certainly have a lot more options for spending, saving, and sharing.

With the proper guidance, even young children can realize the hazards of borrowing and the benefits of saving.

Whenever possible, involve your teens in your family finances, and it will earn you worry-free dividends in the future.

Teach your children to save up for major purchases. Let them see you do the same for your own large purchases In order to communicate ongoing lessons in patience and perseverance.

Help your kids to learn early the value of paying up front and NOT at the backend.
I think this booklet would be excellent reading for every parent, and even if you are not a parent the lessons set forth in this book are good for anyone that lives on planet earth where money is an essential in most people’s lives.

For information on ordering this book please click here

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