Thursday, March 28, 2019

Mom in My Heart: A Review

This is a treasury of Heartwarming Stories about Moms compiled and edited by Joe L Wheeler.

If you have read Joe Wheeler’s Christmas in My Heart books, just think stories about Moms in the same heartwarming style and you’ll know what a treat you are in for when you read this collection of stories.

Like Joe Wheeler’s popular Christmas in My Heart books, Mom in My Heart is a touching collection of classic short stories that will tug at your heart and take up permanent residence in your memories. These stories about the selfless love of mothers, stepmothers, surrogate mothers, and mentors are suitable for reading aloud to your family or enjoying alone for a cozy evening’s entertainment.

There are 22 stories in this collection. I love reading each one of them but my favorite is entitled, When Queens Ride By.

When one thinks of mothering (nurturing someone or something from helplessness to self-sufficiency), it is natural to conceptualize long-term processes involving many years. Obviously, a mother mothers-or certainly ought to! Clearly a teacher or mentor can mother. But…could a complete stranger—one never seen before and likely never to be seen again—possibly be responsible for major life changes? The kinds of seismic changes one associates with years of instruction, conditioning, and mentoring?

Well that is what this story is about. When this story was written, women were the acknowledged mainstay of the American home. Since that time, the two-paycheck family has become the norm rather than the exception. As a natural result, the home environment has radically changed-in some respects for the better and in some respects for the worse. But the issue itself-the woman’s role in the home-is perhaps addressed better in this story than in any other I have ever read.

To make a long story short, John and Jennie Musgrove had a farm and Jennie was so involved with helping run the farm that she did not have time to do the mothering that her children needed and being the wife to John that would inspire him to have hope and courage  and success in running the farm. Then a lady stopped by to purchase some apples. You must read the story to find out what happened.

Mothers are special people. This book is not just for mothers. It is for the whole family. You can order this book on line- click here. Or check on other online venues such as

Bonhoeffer-Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy: A Review

Who better to face the greatest evil of the 20th century than a humble man of faith?

As Adolf Hitler and the Nazis seduced a nation, bullied a continent, and attempted to exterminate the Jews of Europe, a small number of dissidents and saboteurs worked to dismantle the Third Reich from the inside. One of these was Dietrich Bonhoeffer—a pastor and author. In this New York Times best-selling biography, Eric Metaxas takes both strands of Bonhoeffer’s life—the theologian and the spy—and draws them together to tell a searing story of incredible moral courage in the face of monstrous evil. Metaxas presents the fullest accounting of Bonhoeffer’s heart-wrenching decision to leave the safe haven of America to return to Hitler’s Germany and sheds new light on Bonhoeffer’s involvement in the Valkyrie plot and in “Operation 7,” the effort to smuggle Jews into neutral Switzerland. Bonhoeffer is the story of a life framed by a passion for truth and a commitment to justice on behalf of those who face implacable evil.

This book is probably the longest biography that I have ever read. Well over 500 pages long. It is an extremely fascinating story! Bonhoeffer grew up in a large family and was very close to his brothers and sisters. He became a theologian and taught at the University, Pastored, and eventually became very involved in trying to bring Hitler down.

Eventually he was imprisoned and was finally executed. Reading about his time in prison reminds me of Joseph when he was in prison in Egypt. As with Joseph, Bonhoeffer was appreciated by many of the other prisoners and the guards.

I believe it is valuable to read biographies like this and see how God uses people. I highly recommend that you read this book. Check with your local book store for a copy or order on line from or click here.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Family Seasons: A Review

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven;

A time to be born, and a time to die;

A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal;

A time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh;

A time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;

A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to seek, and a time to lose;

A time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to tear, and a time to sew;

A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate;

A time for war, and a time for peace (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 ESV).

Authors Claudio and Pamela Consuegra who have worked together with family ministries for many years have written this book dealing with relationships.  This is about relationships of families which should include everyone whether they are married or not for everyone needs others in their lives who will help them and offer encouragement and to which they can reciprocate.

The book talks about the seasons of life how through the years of our lives things change. This is a good book to help us understand the different seasons that our lives go through in this world and also the wonderful truth that when God creates the new earth that the seasons that currently exist that are the result of sin will no longer exist and  at long last, the season of spending eternity with Jesus will finally come to every family.

You can read the first chapter of this  book for free on line- click here.

The Brother's Keeper: A Review

This is a novel written by Tracy Groot an award winning author. The story is about James the brother of Jesus. It is interesting how the author takes the biblical story and help us to see how it could have been if one was the earthly brother of Jesus.

In this expanded, fictionalized story James is working in the carpenter shop where Jesus had worked along with Joseph before Jesus was 30 years old and went out to fulfill his mission of teaching and healing.

James misses his brother Jesus but now does not know how to relate to what Jesus is doing now. Things had been so much better when Jesus was working in the shop with him and he is having a very hard time to know how to relate to Jesus as the Messiah.

The sons of Joseph run a successful carpentry business in Nazareth. At least is was successful until their brother, Jesus left home to tell the world he will forgive their sins and save their souls. Now everyone is hearing outlandish reports of healings and exorcisms. Business is suffering: not many people want a stool made by the family of the local crazy man

James realizes that he can never be happy until he makes up his mind who Jesus really is. Then Jesus is crucified and the reports are that he has risen.  What is James to believe?

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:7 “Then he (Jesus) appeared to James”

That there was a meeting of James and the risen Christ is certain. What passed at that sacred and intimate moment we shall never know. But we do know…James who had been the hostile and unsympathetic opponent of Jesus became His servant for life.

I find reading novels of Bible stories helps me to visualize in my mind the times and places where the story took place. You can look for this book in your local book store or click here for more information and to order on line.

Touchdown Tony-Running With a Purpose: A Review

This is the true story of the Star Running Back featured in the Movie Woodlawn.  This autobiography written by Tony Nathan it truly inspiring.

When Tony Nathan got his hands on the football, he was like Superman putting on his cape. This unassuming young man knew instinctively how to handle the football—and he knew how to run.

So, when Chaplain Hank Erwin came to Woodlawn High School in the midst of the Jesus Movement, he saw something special in this talented running back, and he saw a way to inspire the racially divided city of Birmingham with something that transcended the color of a man’s skin,

“When you play for yourself, you can be great.” Erwin told Tony, “But when you play for a purpose higher than yourself, God can make you a superstar.”

In this powerful memoir, Tony shares how his renewed faith helped him summon the courage to “run with purpose.” And when the city of Birmingham embraced Tony as their football hero, it opened its heart to the possibility of racial healing.

Inspirational and uplifting, Touchdown Tony is not only a behind-the-scenes look at a great football player’s life and career, it is also a story of redemption and one man’s hope to change the future.

Tony Nathan was the Woodlawn High School star running back in the legendary game of 1974 in Birmingham, Alabama. The Parade All American athlete went on to play for Paul “Bear” Bryant and win a national championship with the University of Alabama. He played for the Miami Dolphins in the NFL and was the starting running back in Super Bowl XVII and XIX. He was inducted into the Senior Bowl Hall of Fame and made his return to the NFL as a running backs coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Baltimore Ravens. He is currently the bailiff for former teammate Judge Edward Newman in Miami-Dade County Court.

It is a fascinating story if you like football and it is fascinating story if you like a story of a person who lived a life with a purpose.

Tony learned a good work ethic from his parents. “My family learned to make the most of what we had.” The following quote from the book sums up nicely who Tony became and why:

There’s no doubt in my mind that the work ethic I witnessed in my mom and dad made me a success at Woodlawn High School, the University of Alabama, and the National Football League. From an early age, my parents taught me to do my job, do it well, and not make excuses. More important, my parents taught me to respect people and treat them the way I wanted to be treated. I had no idea how valuable these lessons would be once I started attending Woodlawn High School in Birmingham.

Birmingham was the battleground for the civil rights struggle. It was a dark time in America’s history. And there was an international spotlight on my hometown. But I was too young to understand the magnitude of what was happening around me. I didn’t realize or appreciate the sacrifices others were making to ensure that people who looked like me would have better lives in the future. And I certainly didn’t know that someday I’d have a small part in making things better

If you have not seen the movie Woodlawn, I would recommend that you watch it and then read this book Touchdown Tony isbn 978-1-5011-1851-7. If your local bookstore does not have it, you can order it online from various venues including

Monday, March 11, 2019

Spiritual Vigilantes-The Truth Behind the Attempted Destruction of God's Law: A Review

Are you tired of political correctness? Do you feel that you are pummeled by the left or pressured by the right? Has common sense become a thing of the past? When you watch or listen to the news do you feel like politically biased journalists are trying to force their views down your throat? Are Christian churches drifting further and further away from biblical principles? Is America on a downward spiral? Could it be that God is withdrawing His Holy Spirit from this great nation of ours?

Spiritual Vigilantes, the latest book by Danny Shelton, presents a ‘no holds barred’ approach to finding answers as to why America is more divided by politics, race, and religion than any other time in history.

Danny gives a compelling argument that the Christian church is in the midst of extreme spiritual warfare, with its members being tossed to and fro with every wind of false doctrine. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (NKJV) ‘For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap-up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables.’

In this book, Spiritual Vigilantes, you will see how the government, as well as many Christian churches, attempt to change God’s eternal Ten Commandments law. This book is a wake-up call to all those who seek to worship God in spirit and in truth.

I found this book very informative in showing the extremes our world has gone to and a great call to us to come back to the true principles that are proper to be enforced by government in accordance with the last 6 of the Ten Commandments, while leaving it up to the conscience of individuals on how they relate to worshipping God as required by God in the first  4 Commandments.

One of the main tenants of the United States is to allow and protect freedom of worship of God.

For more information about this book go to this website or call 618-627-4651.

Death Defeated: A Review

Death Defeated is a special edition of the popular magazine Signs of the Times.  This 16-page supplement tells the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection when He gave His life to pay the debt for our sins and make it possible to live eternally with Him.

“In Jesus, the eternal life that we lost because of sin can be restored. He has the right and the power to give immortality, Jesus said, ‘I came to give life-life in all its fullness.” (John 10:10)

This is a very nice piece to share during the Easter Season or anytime all year long because the truth of Jesus death and resurrection is a truth we need every day.

For more information please click here.

The Easy English Clear Word Bible: A Review

When I was about 9 years old, I read the Bible through in the King James Version (KJV). This is still a good version of the Bible to read and study, but, through the years, I have found that it is helpful to me to read various versions and often find the more contemporary and latest English versions are more enjoyable and understandable.

When I was working at the bookstore one day, a lady customer told me that she was using the Living Bible, which she said she understood better. She then told me some of her friends only read KJV, but they admitted to her they very rarely read it because it is hard to understand.

Several months ago, I decided that I wanted to read the 4 Gospels through each month. There are 89 chapters in the 4 Gospels so if you average 3 chapters a day, it is easy to read them through in one month-except for February—but you can add an extra chapter here and there through the month and read it through in one month anyway.

I have been using various versions including The Clear Word Bible. A while back I read the book Refreshed Parables by Charles Mills and he quoted from the Easy English Clear Word and I really like the easy to understand way that it reads.

So just recently, I got a copy of the Easy English Clear Word. This month I am reading through the gospels in it as well as the book of Proverbs. There are 31 Chapters in Proverbs so a chapter a day does it. I have also begun with Genesis and am planning to read through the entire Easy English Clear Word.

That will take more than one month but it’s fun to read.

For more information on The Easy English Clear Word and an interview with Jack Blanco about The Clear Word click here.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Lessons From Battle Creek: A Review

Why is Battle Creek special to Seventh-day Adventists?

This book edited by James Nix and Alberto R. Timm takes the presentations made at a special program held at Battle Creek April 12 and 13, 2013 commemorating 150 years since the formation of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in May 1863-in Battle Creek.

All of the presentations drew from the history of the SDA Church which officially began in Battle Creek.

I especially enjoyed the chapter by James R. Nix which is entitled Why Battle Creek?

In this chapter he talks about some of the firsts that happened at Battle Creek for Adventists.

Officially organized in 1863, one of the main reasons for needing an organization was so there would be someone to own the Review and Herald Publishing Association—the first Adventist publisher which was in Battle Creek.

Battle Creek was the home of the world’s famous Battle Creek Sanitarium and the “Dime” Tabernacle (so named because Adventists were asked to contribute a dime a month for its construction?)

What were things really like here in the West End (where most of the Adventists lived) of Battle Creek?

The following description is excerpted from an article originally published in the Detroit News and reprinted in the Signs of the Times magazine June 8, 1891.

For two days in the week-Saturday and Sunday-Battle Creek, Mich. Is the funniest town on earth. Let a man wander about…in town, and then saunter out to the west end, and he will wonder, what is the matter. From the …rush of busy salesmen, which always marks the close of a week…to the quiet that reigns…farther west, is indeed a contrast, for the west end is the possession of the Seventh-day Adventists and Saturday is his Sabbath. On that day he rests from all his labors, and hallows every hour with calm communion and a sort of irritated wonder why all other men do not think as he does about a matter so plain…He has the Scriptures at his fingers’ end and at his tongue’s end, too for that matter…(He) will stop in the middle of a good meal and let his dinner get cold while he gives you proof, strong as Holy writ, that he is right and all dissenters are wrong.

But there is …(this) about him. He is a peaceable fellow, and …(he) is industrious and orderly…(He) has no …use for the frivolities of the world…While he may feel…some…responsibility for the spiritual welfare of his brother, yet he seems also to feel that he will preach a more eloquent sermon by a daily walk of rectitude than by the most persistence of harangues. He is as industrious as a Dunkard, as sober as a Quaker, as thrifty as a Jew and mixes his fervency of spirit with his diligence in business in a way that would have even satisfied the Apostle Paul. His religion is so intense, his faith is so close to him, so much a part of the breath he draws and the food that he eats, that he cannot be severed from it.

This book is a fascinating read which helps one understand many of the challenges that faced the early members of the Adventist church and how the church grew to become a worldwide church with members all over the world.  You can learn more about this book on line, click here and I would recommend that you consider ordering a copy and read it yourself

We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history by Ellen G White.

Connection-How to Have a Relationship With God: A Review

This is the 10th Anniversary edition of this book by author Steve Case who has been involved in youth ministry since his teen years. His formal training is in ministry and education including a PhD in Religious Education. His practical education comes from his wife, Marit, and his adult daughter, Kate.

Can humans really connect to God? Should the question go the other way-can God really connect to humans? If the answer is yes then the follow-up question becomes how?

In Connection, Steve Case draws from the classic Steps to Christ, and provides a fresh perspective that will strike familiar chords and new harmonies with those who have already searched for God.

Those who have given up or not even attempted a search for God will find new hope and unique insights that can put them in touch with “the Almighty.”

This involves quite a risk, but not to make the attempt presents an even greater risk-one that would be downright foolish. Connection will challenge you to go boldly beyond your limits and connect with a God who is bigger than you!

A strong emphasis in this book is that whether one grew up in a Christian environment or a non-Christian environment, one eventually must make their own personal decision to respond to God’s love and to have a personal relationship with Him.

This is a well written book and you can read the first chapter for free on line, click here.