Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Brother's Keeper: A Review

This is a novel written by Tracy Groot an award winning author. The story is about James the brother of Jesus. It is interesting how the author takes the biblical story and help us to see how it could have been if one was the earthly brother of Jesus.

In this expanded, fictionalized story James is working in the carpenter shop where Jesus had worked along with Joseph before Jesus was 30 years old and went out to fulfill his mission of teaching and healing.

James misses his brother Jesus but now does not know how to relate to what Jesus is doing now. Things had been so much better when Jesus was working in the shop with him and he is having a very hard time to know how to relate to Jesus as the Messiah.

The sons of Joseph run a successful carpentry business in Nazareth. At least is was successful until their brother, Jesus left home to tell the world he will forgive their sins and save their souls. Now everyone is hearing outlandish reports of healings and exorcisms. Business is suffering: not many people want a stool made by the family of the local crazy man

James realizes that he can never be happy until he makes up his mind who Jesus really is. Then Jesus is crucified and the reports are that he has risen.  What is James to believe?

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:7 “Then he (Jesus) appeared to James”

That there was a meeting of James and the risen Christ is certain. What passed at that sacred and intimate moment we shall never know. But we do know…James who had been the hostile and unsympathetic opponent of Jesus became His servant for life.

I find reading novels of Bible stories helps me to visualize in my mind the times and places where the story took place. You can look for this book in your local book store or click here for more information and to order on line.

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