Monday, March 11, 2019

The Easy English Clear Word Bible: A Review

When I was about 9 years old, I read the Bible through in the King James Version (KJV). This is still a good version of the Bible to read and study, but, through the years, I have found that it is helpful to me to read various versions and often find the more contemporary and latest English versions are more enjoyable and understandable.

When I was working at the bookstore one day, a lady customer told me that she was using the Living Bible, which she said she understood better. She then told me some of her friends only read KJV, but they admitted to her they very rarely read it because it is hard to understand.

Several months ago, I decided that I wanted to read the 4 Gospels through each month. There are 89 chapters in the 4 Gospels so if you average 3 chapters a day, it is easy to read them through in one month-except for February—but you can add an extra chapter here and there through the month and read it through in one month anyway.

I have been using various versions including The Clear Word Bible. A while back I read the book Refreshed Parables by Charles Mills and he quoted from the Easy English Clear Word and I really like the easy to understand way that it reads.

So just recently, I got a copy of the Easy English Clear Word. This month I am reading through the gospels in it as well as the book of Proverbs. There are 31 Chapters in Proverbs so a chapter a day does it. I have also begun with Genesis and am planning to read through the entire Easy English Clear Word.

That will take more than one month but it’s fun to read.

For more information on The Easy English Clear Word and an interview with Jack Blanco about The Clear Word click here.

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