Sunday, May 14, 2017

1st and 2nd Peter: A Review

This new book I have just read is authored by Robert McIver. I found this book well written and very informative.

While this book is written as a companion book for the Adult Bible Study Guide for April, May and June 2017, the book can be very helpful for anyone who would like to study these books of the Bible.

The author states even though more has been written about Peter than any of the other 12 disciples, very little attention has been given to Peter’s two epistles compared to what has been given to the 4 Gospels and to Paul’s epistles.

Here’s a summary of what Dr. McIver brings out in this insightful study book:

The special relationship God initiated with the descendants of Abraham meant that Christians are a separate and holy nation and live their lives according to high moral values; that they live a life of love for others, and they should be like a fire on a cold night drawing others into its warmth and that Christians are tasked with the responsibility of sharing with others the good news of Salvation through Jesus Christ.

Christians should be living as those who are ransomed and sanctified. Dr. McIver urges that Christians live in mutual respect and encourages that even though they live in difficult times and perilous circumstances that they have a glorious hope.

These two letters contain much practical advice for Christians living in a time of uncertainty- even in the twenty-first century and I would encourage anyone who has not read them to at least read this book.

For more information on this remarkable new book and to order on line, please click the following link:

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