Sunday, May 14, 2017

My Favorite Life Changing Stories: A Review

This book just off the press this year 2017 is an impressive collection of Life Changing Stories. The author, editor, and compiler of this book is none other than Joe L Wheeler, known as “America’s Keeper of the Story.” Joe has compiled 80 books so far of stories.  This includes his ever-popular Christmas in My Heart series of which there are 25 titles in print.

These stories are a wonderful way to inspire and teach.

Life Changing stories:  One of the most frustrating aspects of life is that there are so many choices along the way: we are constantly having to choose one option, one road, instead of the other.  Robert Frost implies that choices are not necessarily between good and bad, but rather between two goods of roughly equal value. But, oh, how he wishes he could explore both-or at least come back again sometime. But he sighs, “Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.”

Joe Wheeler in this collection of stories provides us with stories that we can learn from the mistakes of others and avoid making them ourselves as well stories from which we can learn good examples to follow.

Absent with Love: This story is about Captain James Boyd of the Marines, when he was a young man working on his Dad’s farm and was thinking of running away from home, which would have been a mistake. The young man was tired of taking care of the cows and doing all other jobs that had to be done on the farm. Then one day, a family, the Kurtzes, traveling by had a flat tire – they had a son about his age so they invited him to come with them on a summer vacation across the country seeing lakes, canyons, Boiling springs, geysers, rainbow trout, bears, deer, elk, buffalo, etc.

[This trip had such an impact on him such that when he got back home, he had a different attitude and was ready to pitch in and help run the farm, which he did and within 3 years, the mortgage was paid and the 4th year he went on to college. 

Captain James Boyd sums it up this way: “Think how near I came to missing out but for that flat tire of the Kurtzes I might have been a hobo!”

On the Far Side of Failure-An amazing story by Arthur Gordon in which he tells how he learned that a good formula for success is “double your rate of failure.” He counsels that “If you can learn to learn from failure you’ll go pretty much where you want to go.”

To Bleed Awhile and Fight Again-This story by Joseph Leininger Wheeler about when he was fired for the first time in  his life and it felt as though the very foundations of his world were collapsing under him He learned how to pick up and move on successfully.

A Temperamental Garden  A very interesting story of Isabel who started her garden as  sort of graveyard for moods and blues and that kind of thing, and then when it began to pay so well she became interested in it for its own sake.

The First Settlers Story - The lesson in this story is contained in these lines:

“Boys flying kites haul in their white-winged birds

You can’t do that when you’re flying words.

“Careful with fire,” is good advice we, we know

“Careful with words,” is ten times doubly so

Thoughts unexpressed may sometimes fall back dead

But God himself can’t kill them once they’re said!

All the stories in this book can lead one to think and avoid a mistake that may produce a bad outcome or to emulate a good action that may produce a very good outcome.

For more information about this book, including the chance to read the first chapter on line and to order online you can go to:

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