Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Guide's Greatest Discovery Stories: A Review

Guide’s Greatest Discovery Stories is a collection of 23 “Discovery Stories” taken from Guide Magazine and edited by Lori Peckham.  Over the years there have been more than 30 collections of these Guide stories  published and each one of them is very good.

One of my very favorite stories in this collection is When Mrs. White Defended Freddie. Freddie lost a ring that belonged to her classmate Delia.  Freddie was living with the Kings family so she could attend a better school than one that was near her parents’ home. Delia and her parents were sure that Freddie stole the ring and put much pressure on the Kings to send Freddie away. The Kings, however, were sure Freddie was innocent.

You need to read the story to learn about what happened. To read this story click on the following link. You can also order the book on line on the same website.

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