Wednesday, August 2, 2017

For Such a time: A Review

Authored by Ed Dickerson, For Such a Time, looks at 15 remarkable women and examines how the biblical authors intentionally shaped their narratives to show how their actions and outcomes parallel those of 15 well-known biblical heroes. Clearly these were not ordinary women. They did not fit the image of the “perfect woman.” They had little in common with the “ideal woman” pictured in Proverbs 31 but they did share one crucial characteristic with that woman and that is, initiative. These were women who did not hesitate to roll up their sleeves and plan an active role in shaping their destiny, even when it meant defying convention.

All of these 15 stories tell about women with different callings and they underline the lesson that God has a unique calling for each of us, and we should not concern ourselves too much with what God calls another to do or the expectations others have for us. When it comes to that, we would do well to remember what Jesus pointed out to Peter “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” (John 21:22).
What was true for Peter is true for us. Man or woman, our calling is the same: to follow Him wherever He leads.

Click on the following link to bring up more information on this new book and for a link that you can click on to read the first chapter on line.

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