Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Watchers: A Review

The Watchers is the 2nd book in the series entitled The Lost Treasures by Bradley Booth. The book is about the Jewish people at the end of their 70 years captivity.
All the Jews were talking about Jeremiah’s 70-year prophecy. Some thought it would be fulfilled; others thought that God had abandoned His people once and for all.

The Watchers follows Caleb, Tamzi, and their families, Allamu the blind beggar, and the old prophet Daniel, as before their very eyes the mighty kingdom of Babylon is overthrown by Cyrus and his Medo-Persian army. And now, Caleb and his Babylonian friend, Tamzi, discovered something important-something very important. Caleb was certain of that, but who could confirm his suspicions? Was this the beginning of the end for the Babylonian Jews or the sign of a new beginning? God would keep His promise-Caleb was sure of it!
Bradley Booth tells this story in a way that will appeal to Kids from 10-14 years of age and kids of all ages that love a well told story.

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