Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Romans Salvation for "ALL": A Review

This is a new title by George R Knight.  I have just finished reading it and I highly recommend it for everyone to read.
Here are a few highlights:

P 11 “Romans is the most influential document in Christian History. It stimulated not only the Protestant Reformation but many other revivals throughout history”
P 27 “While some people might question the relevance of such biblical books as Obadiah for living in today’s world, no one doubts the importance of Romans for their life. All of us are daily confronted by the problems of sin and guilt. And every Christian rejoices in the amazing grace of God who welcomes us in spite of ourselves.”

P 44 Speaking of God’s Grace, “The wonder of wonders is that the greatest blessing in the universe is absolutely free.”
P 65 “The good news is that Christ died for every human being who has ever lived. The bad news is that not all receive or accept God’s gracious gift.”

P 85 “Romans 8 is one of the most-loved chapters of the Bible…One student has pointed out that the chapter opens with ‘no condemnation’ and ends with no ‘no separation’ while in between it is characterized by ‘no defeat.’”
P 114 “As He hung on the cross Jesus prayed for those in the act of killing Him.

Here, I must say, is a challenge to the genuineness of our Christian love: Have we prayed for our enemies lately? If not, why not? Today-right now- is a perfect time to do something that’s not normal. It could change your life and theirs.
P 126 “…the apostle is out to win souls-not arguments. Thus, he concludes the most influential presentation of salvation in the history of Christianity with a prayer. Paul prays that ‘the God of hope’ will fill his Roman readers (and us) with joy and peace as they trust in Him.”

This just touches on a tiny bit of what the complete book presents so well. I encourage you to go to the following link and read the first chapter on line for free: 2017.html

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