Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Unshakable Faith: A Review

Unshakable Faith, is Mark Finley’s most recent published book. Hard to believe but Mark Finley has written over 70 books so far!
Mark Finley shares about a number of people through history who have shown unshakable faith!

The Waldenses, John Wycliffe, John Huss, Martin Luther, Lefevre, William Tyndale, John and Charles Wesley are just but a few examples.
Finley brings snapshot pictures of these leaders who God used through the ages to emphasize the truth of salvation as found in the Bible as a gift from God and the power of unshakable faith in standing firm in the teachings of the Bible.

To read the 1st chapter of this book on line click here.

The Glad Tidings: A Review

Throughout my life since I was old enough to read, I have loved reading books and have read them in the hundreds to this date and plan to read hundreds more!

Even as I have read these many books, there are 3 books I read going back to the first year I worked at a book store back in 1972 that have stood out through the years as being very life changing for me and that I find I blessed every time I reread them.

One of these books is The Glad Tidings--the Inspiring Message of Galatians by E. J. Waggoner in which the author takes us through the book of Galatians from beginning to end.
Here are several quotes from the book which give an overview of what the glad tidings are in Galatians:

“The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.”
“Just as Jesus Christ is the only power of God, and there is no other name than of Jesus, given among men whereby salvation can be obtained, so there can be only one Gospel.”

“I do not frustrate the grace of God; for if righteousness came by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. This is the summing up of the case. It is the substance of what has preceded. If righteousness came by the law, then there would have been no use for the death of Christ. The law itself can do nothing except point out men’s duty.”
“The just shall live by faith. To him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”

“There is no exception, no half-way working. It’s not said that some of the just shall live by faith  or that they shall live by faith and works, but simply, the just shall live by faith and that proves that it is not by their own works.”
“All of the just are made and kept just by faith alone. This is because the law is so holy. It is greater than can be done by man; only Divine power can accomplish it, so by faith we receive the Lord Jesus, and He lives the perfect law in us.”

For more information on this epic book click here

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Book of Amazing Stories: A Review

This is a book of 90 devotions and each devotion is based on a truly amazing story. Author Robert Peterson has been a lifelong student of what God is teaching us through people’s lives. In this book, Peterson compiles ninety amazing stories that teach lessons you won’t easily forget.

Did you know that Beethoven’s mom almost aborted him?
Did you know that an exorcism was once performed on Mother Teresa?

Did you know that the Battle of Gettysburg started as a search for shoes?
You will learn in reading this book many things about famous and some infamous people that likely you never knew before and that teach good lessons.

Some of the people whose stories are told include:
Martin Luther King Jr.,

Marilyn Monroe,
Ronald Reagan,

Winston Churchill,
Susanna Wesley,

And many, many others.
Each story ends with a thought-provoking principle as well as an accompanying Bible verse to carry you through the day.

Here are a few of my favorite thought provoking principles:
The greatest powers cannot overcome the humblest prayers.

One person with courage makes a majority.
Forgiveness is not an occasional act but a permanent attitude.

I encourage you to get a copy of this book at your favorite bookstore or click here.

Make Your Voice Heard in Heaven: A Review

Make Your Voice Heard in Heaven is Barry Black’s latest book, which is scheduled for release early in January 2018. Black is Chaplain of the United States Senate and was the speaker for the 2017 National Prayer Breakfast.

This book came from Chaplain Black’s preparation for the National Prayer Breakfast speech. If you did not see or hear Chaplain Black speak at the Prayer Breakfast, you can click here and watch the event as recorded on You-Tube.
In a time when more and more people are calling on those in power to listen and act, Chaplain Barry Black challenges us individually and collectively, to call on our heavenly Father, the one who holds the ultimate power, the ruler of all creation.

Chaplain Black shows-through Scripture, personal stories, and practical insights how your prayers can
Unleash God’s power;

Reveal your sense of need;
Increase your partnership with God’s will;

Deepen your intimacy with God;
Strengthen your desire to live a holy life;

Grow your awareness of God’s blessings;
Reveal the presence of God’s blessings around you and more.

By reading this book, you’ll learn the secrets of praying with power, and making your voice heard in heaven.
I was delighted to read an advance copy of this book and strongly recommend it for everyone.

Check with your favorite book store around the first week of January and get a copy or for more information and to order on line click here

Dearest Folks: A Review

This is the story Margaret Watts, a Sydney, Australia nurse and her husband Horrie, a pastor, set out in 1956 on the adventure of a lifetime lasting 10 years: mission service in Vanuatu (then the New Hebrides), followed by years serving on the island of Bougainville in the then-Territory of New Guinea.

During this time, Margaret wrote home to Australia on a regular basis wanting her family to know about what was happening in their lives and especially about their children that the family in Australia missed seeing during these years, except for occasional furloughs back to Australia.
The letters Margaret sent home to Australia also gave a thorough account of daily life working as a missionary nurse in remote areas of the Pacific.

Upon their return from the mission field, Margaret discovered that her sister Elva had saved many of these letters.  The letters were given back to Margaret and stowed away in a trunk and then found again years later.
The book comprising of these letters was published in 2016 in Australia and is now available in the United States.

For more information click here.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Baptizing the Devil: A Review

Baptizing the Devil – Evolution and the Seduction of Christianity by Clifford Godstein is one of the most amazing books about origins.

The book is written in the backdrop of two views on creation that are diametrically opposed to each other: In the broadest reading possible, says the author, we have on one hand the Genesis creation account which is a supernatural phenomenon that leaves nothing to chance. However, on the other hand we have the Darwinian evolution which, in the broadest reading possible, is a natural phenomenon that leaves most everything to chance, so posits the author.
It’s therefore hard to imagine two views of creation more at odds with each other.

Why, then, this irresistible urge to “baptize the devil” by seeking to harmonize evolution with Genesis? Though we can’t know individual motives, the overarching answer is tied to the contemporary belief that evolution must be true because, after all, It’s science!
This, however, raises more questions: “But if science is so good at finding truth, why does the truth change so often? Why are scientific certitudes of one generation often mocked as myths by the next one? Why do the findings of science the results of the ‘scientific method,’ often contradict each other?”

Moreover, the author ponders, when scientific explanations about present reality, about what can be handled, heard, seen, tested and retested, are filled with debate and controversy – why do so many people unquestionably accept every scientific proclamation about supposed events millions or billions of years ago?
In the author’s own words, Baptizing the Devil seeks to show that this capitulation is not only unnecessary but misguided, another unfortunate example of well-meaning Christians compromising their faith to the prevailing culture. With Baptizing the Devil, Goldstein hopes to free believers from the knee-jerk reaction that the only logical and rational response to the phrase ‘But it’s science!’ is to surrender one’s beliefs, even religious ones, to it. Goldstein shows that Christians shouldn’t compromise so crucial a doctrine as origins to the prevailing culture, even when that culture is wrapped in the authoritative garb of science.

To learn more about this new book and to read the first chapter on line, click here

Hinds' Feet on High Places: A Review

I first learned about this book by Hannah Hurnard, a young missionary to Palestine, more than 45 years ago when a group of young people gathered and we read the book together. I have since read the book many times through the years and just finished reading it again in a beautiful new illustrated edition published by Tyndale House publishers.

I liken this book to Bunyan’s, Pilgrim’s Progress. However I find this book more readable.
In the preface to this allegory, the author recalls how one morning during the daily Bible reading on their mission compound in Palestine, their little Arab nurse read from Daily Light a quotation from the Song of Songs, “The voice of my Beloved! Behold he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills” (Song of Solomon 2:8).

When asked what the verse meant, the Arab nurse looked up with a happy smile of understanding and said, “It means there are no obstacles which our Savior’s love cannot overcome, and that to him, mountains of difficulty are as easy as an asphalt road.”
Hannah Hurnard wrote this allegory about a young lady, named Much Afraid, who lived in the Valley of Humiliation and worked for the Chief Shepherd. She was part of the Fearing Family and the village she lived in was named Much-Trembling.

Some of her relatives included; her aunt, Mrs. Dismal Forebodings, and her cousins Gloomy, Spiteful and Craven Fear. Other relatives include; Old Lord Fearing, Self-Pity and Pride.
The story is how the Shepherd takes her to the “High Places” where perfect love casts out all fear.

I recommend this book highly.
Check for it at your favorite bookstore or  click here for more information and to order on line.