Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Make Your Voice Heard in Heaven: A Review

Make Your Voice Heard in Heaven is Barry Black’s latest book, which is scheduled for release early in January 2018. Black is Chaplain of the United States Senate and was the speaker for the 2017 National Prayer Breakfast.

This book came from Chaplain Black’s preparation for the National Prayer Breakfast speech. If you did not see or hear Chaplain Black speak at the Prayer Breakfast, you can click here and watch the event as recorded on You-Tube.
In a time when more and more people are calling on those in power to listen and act, Chaplain Barry Black challenges us individually and collectively, to call on our heavenly Father, the one who holds the ultimate power, the ruler of all creation.

Chaplain Black shows-through Scripture, personal stories, and practical insights how your prayers can
Unleash God’s power;

Reveal your sense of need;
Increase your partnership with God’s will;

Deepen your intimacy with God;
Strengthen your desire to live a holy life;

Grow your awareness of God’s blessings;
Reveal the presence of God’s blessings around you and more.

By reading this book, you’ll learn the secrets of praying with power, and making your voice heard in heaven.
I was delighted to read an advance copy of this book and strongly recommend it for everyone.

Check with your favorite book store around the first week of January and get a copy or for more information and to order on line click here

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