Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Dearest Folks: A Review

This is the story Margaret Watts, a Sydney, Australia nurse and her husband Horrie, a pastor, set out in 1956 on the adventure of a lifetime lasting 10 years: mission service in Vanuatu (then the New Hebrides), followed by years serving on the island of Bougainville in the then-Territory of New Guinea.

During this time, Margaret wrote home to Australia on a regular basis wanting her family to know about what was happening in their lives and especially about their children that the family in Australia missed seeing during these years, except for occasional furloughs back to Australia.
The letters Margaret sent home to Australia also gave a thorough account of daily life working as a missionary nurse in remote areas of the Pacific.

Upon their return from the mission field, Margaret discovered that her sister Elva had saved many of these letters.  The letters were given back to Margaret and stowed away in a trunk and then found again years later.
The book comprising of these letters was published in 2016 in Australia and is now available in the United States.

For more information click here.

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