Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Glad Tidings: A Review

Throughout my life since I was old enough to read, I have loved reading books and have read them in the hundreds to this date and plan to read hundreds more!

Even as I have read these many books, there are 3 books I read going back to the first year I worked at a book store back in 1972 that have stood out through the years as being very life changing for me and that I find I blessed every time I reread them.

One of these books is The Glad Tidings--the Inspiring Message of Galatians by E. J. Waggoner in which the author takes us through the book of Galatians from beginning to end.
Here are several quotes from the book which give an overview of what the glad tidings are in Galatians:

“The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.”
“Just as Jesus Christ is the only power of God, and there is no other name than of Jesus, given among men whereby salvation can be obtained, so there can be only one Gospel.”

“I do not frustrate the grace of God; for if righteousness came by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. This is the summing up of the case. It is the substance of what has preceded. If righteousness came by the law, then there would have been no use for the death of Christ. The law itself can do nothing except point out men’s duty.”
“The just shall live by faith. To him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”

“There is no exception, no half-way working. It’s not said that some of the just shall live by faith  or that they shall live by faith and works, but simply, the just shall live by faith and that proves that it is not by their own works.”
“All of the just are made and kept just by faith alone. This is because the law is so holy. It is greater than can be done by man; only Divine power can accomplish it, so by faith we receive the Lord Jesus, and He lives the perfect law in us.”

For more information on this epic book click here

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