Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Time With God: A Review

Time with God contains 12 powerful strategies for enhancing your prayer life. Judy-Ann Neal is the author and the focus of every chapter is Spending Time with God.

Here are the 12 ways that she uses and talks about in this book:
            Biblical Meditation

              Prayer Journaling


            Sacred Stories


Bible Promises
            Spiritual Markers

Intentional Commitment
I was especially impressed how she explains the difference between Biblical meditation and Eastern meditation. So often I have encountered the concept that Meditation is bad. So I was really pleased how she clears up the misunderstanding.

If you would like to develop your devotional time with God, the concepts in this book are very helpful
To read the first chapter on line and for more information about this fine book, click here.

A Thousand Shall Fall: A Review

Psalm 91:7 says “A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee.” This promise was fulfilled in Franz Hasel’s life whose favorite hymn and that of his family was A Mighty Fortress is Our God written by Martin Luther.

A Thousand Shall Fall is the story of Franz Hasel, a German soldier and his family who dared to practice their faith in Hitler’s Germany.
It was 1939 in German and Franz and Helene Hasel and their neighbors knew that Adolf Hitler was indeed preparing for war. And like everybody else, the little Seventh-day Adventist family had been wondering what the future would hold.

One Sabbath after church as they arrived home to their apartment building they entered the lobby and checked their mailbox. There was a bundle of letters, all business mail so Franz set it aside to look at later. That evening going through the mail he discovered an official-looking envelope which turned out to be a letter from the draft board summoning him to the army recruitment center in Frankfurt on Monday at 8:00 a.m.
Franz was hoping not to be drafted. He had served his country in the first world war before he had become a Christian and now he was 40 years old, a Christian and a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He was one of the men who were drafted early on when Germany started fighting.

It is an amazing story. Of course he did not drink alcohol and that merited him a promotion. However, asking for Sabbaths off was another thing so Franz diplomatically asked if he could trade days with other men and give them Sundays off, which he was allowed to do. During the 6 years that he was in this war, Franz only had one Sabbath that he did not have off and that was because he got confused on what day of the week it was.
On the other hand, Franz was very good with shooting a gun and he did not want to kill anyone. So he got a wooden gun that he carried in his holster through most of the war. At one point a higher up person told him he noticed he did not get shot at so he wanted him to start staying next to him at night.

The senior officer was amazed after Germany surrendered and the soldiers were laying down their guns to discover that Franz had only a wooden fake gun.
At one time, Franz was called in to tell about his studying the Bible. One of the men had studied a lot of World History so Franz said he had been wanting to talk to an authority on world history about the dream of Nebuchadnezzar that Daniel had interpreted for him regarding the great world empires, namely, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.

The man Franz was talking to about this history had to agree that world history followed that progression and that, Franz told him, is why there was no way Hitler could win the war because the prophecy went on to say that the nations would not cleave together after Rome.
It is an excellent book to bolster one faith in God’s protection. To read the first chapter of this amazing story on line click here.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Great Controversy: A Review

This book by Ellen G White is one I have read several times in my life but it had been a few years since I last read the complete book so I decided to read it again and just finished reading the whole book again this week. This is a book that deals with the Conflict and Controversy between God and Satan and is the 5th volume in a set entitled The Conflict of the Ages.  The first 4 volumes are akin to reading along commentary for the Bible old and new Testament. Their titles are as follows
             Patriarchs and Prophets

Prophets and Kings

The Desire of Ages

Acts of The Apostles
The Great Controversy begins with the story of the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Armies about 40 years after Jesus returned to heaven upon His Resurrection. It then goes into the history of the Persecution of Christians and the Dark Ages.

Some of my most favorite chapters are ones that deal with several of the Reformers; John Wycliffe, Hus, Jerome, Luther and numerous others. The book shows how the Reformers discovered the biblical teaching of Salvation through Jesus Christ alone; a truth that had been rather hidden for many hundreds of years.
There is quite a bit of material drawn from the Prophecy books of the bible; Daniel and the Revelation.

I really like the book finale that tells about how Evil and Satan are finally destroyed, and God creates a new earth for those who have accepted His way of living to dwell in forever,
The final paragraph from this book is as follows:

The great controversy is ended. Sin and sinners are no more. The entire universe is clean. One pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation. From Him who created all, flow life and light and gladness, throughout the realms of illimitable space. From the minutest atom to the greatest world, all things, animate and inanimate, in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy, declare that God is love.
There are several bindings of this book in print. Click here to read the first chapter on line and to find information for ordering this volume.

No Heil Hitler: A Review

No Heil Hitler: A Review

The Author Paul Cieslar was a young man of 10 years old in 1939 in Poland.  As requested by his father, was watching their cattle at about 9:30 in the morning when 3 German fighter planes flew toward him at a terrifying speed. The first plane fired its guns and Paul could hear the trees above his head splintering as the stream of bullets hit them!
Terrified Paul ran and recounts as follows what happened next:

I forgot about the sharp stones on the rough farm track that might cut my bare feet. I forgot about the cattle. I forgot that my father had shown special trust in me to look after them. I ran as fast as I could from the frightening scene.

Then as suddenly as the planes had appeared, the mountainside was quiet again. After the noise of the fighters, the stillness was eerie. I wondered for a moment if I had dreamed it. But branches were still falling from the shot up trees, reminding me of the reality that I had just experienced. I kept running. Arriving breathless at the farmhouse, I hoped my father would not be angry that I had left the cattle.

My father already stood with the rest of the family in front of our farmhouse.
           “Dad, I’m scared!” I shouted not caring who heard me.

My father remained cool. It was a great comfort to me-to all of us I think- that he remained calm, seeming in control of the situation. He gathered us around a large linden tree. He hesitated for a moment gathering his thoughts then spoke. “The war has begun. It is going to be a tough time for all of us.”
Paul tells of many of the things that happened to him and his family during the years of the 2nd World War. How the Germans came into Poland and took it over and for a short period of time things were better for them. Very shortly though, that changed.

Paul was able to go to the mountains to shepherd sheep in order not to be in harm’s way for many months. However, eventually when he came back home he was kidnapped and sent to Germany to be trained as a Hitler Youth.  On April 5, 1945 a special announcement was made to the boys that they would be traveling to Berlin to fight the Russians.
Paul determined with a friend to desert which they did and through the grace of God they safely arrived back to Poland.

Nearly 30 years later Paul now living in England was asked to speak to an international conference as the keynote speaker and tell about his experience during the war. He gave his talk then a German lady in attendance asked if he could forgive “us Germans.” She said, “be honest!”
Paul quickly thought and prayed- his answer was:

Dear lady, my answer will be honest and truthful because I know that is what you need. It is a most difficult question and one that I have not faced in this way before. From a human perspective, it is not possible to forgive these terrible things. It is just not possible. It is not in human nature. To forgive is divine. But when I come to the foot of the cross of Calvary and realize how my beloved Redeemer washed away my sins, it is a different picture. Then forgiveness is possible.
I was very inspired by this true story and would encourage you to read it.

For more information  about the book and to order it on line  click here.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

C.D. The Man Behind the Message: A Review

I love biographies and this is a very thrilling one. Co-authored by Harold Lee and Benjamin Baker this is the story of Charles D. Brooks who was born July 24, 1930 near Greensboro, North Carolina.

Charles grew up on the family farm where times were tough, but they always had food. When Charles was 9 years old, his parents sent him to the store to purchase some items. He overheard the grocer telling a friend that it was tough because people often would not pay up for items he had let them have on credit. But he said “About two and a half miles down yonder is a Colored man named Marvin Brooks. If Brooks tells you he is coming in on Friday to bring you $3.00, you can count on having $3.00 in your palm on Friday! If everybody was like him, I would be doing very well.” Marvin Brooks was Charles Brook’s dad. This statement by the grocer made such a profound impression on Charles that right then and there he determined to be a man of his word like his father.
Charles decided he would be a dentist. However, as he was preparing to go to College, he got the very strong impression that God was calling him to be a preacher. He went to Oakwood College, now Oakwood University and studied for the ministry.

After graduation he became a pastor of several different churches and became very successful in doing evangelism and leading people to Christ.
With a 60 year ministry spanning the ghettos of the city, sands of the desert, and islands of the sea, C.D. Brooks led more than 15,000 souls to Christ on six continents and dozens of countries.

A media trailblazer, Brooks has spread the gospel through every type of media, including cassette, radio, television and internet. For 23 years this founding speaker of the Breath of Life Ministries telecast appeared in millions of homes across the globe, and was undoubtedly one of the greatest evangelists of the twentieth century.
If you have not read C.D. The Man Behind the Message I would like to encourage you to read this inspiring book, For more information and to read the first chapter on line click here.

Give Life to Your Dreams-8 Principles for a Happy Life: A Review

In the Introduction to this recent book, author Ricardo Bentancur refers to the fact that the United States is “the only country whose Constitution proclaims the right of all its people to the ‘pursuit of happiness.’”
Then he tells of some scientific studies:

Not long ago I came across several scientific studies that conclude that only 10 percent of our contentment depends on the pleasurable circumstances and pleasant situations that surround us. You may be aware that when scientists seek to establish the percentage of genetic and environmental factors acting in a particular human phenomenon, they turn to twins as their control specimens. Well recent studies on twins have found that 50 percent of happiness comes ‘prepackaged’ in the genes and is not dependent on external pleasures such as traveling, winning the lottery, or your favorite football team winning the Super Bowl. This ‘reference value,’ or initial set point, cannot be altered; it is an invariable constant. What can be altered is the remaining 40 percent, a margin of happiness that is important because it depends on what each one of us does, on our efforts to increase our happiness in a lasting way.
The author proceeds to write about what we can do with this 40% that we have the power to utilize to improve our lives.

Here are the traits that he says will help us in this endeavor:
Gratitude –not only the greatest of virtues-but the parent of all others.

Forgiveness-We only learn to forgive when simultaneously we come to see how much we need to be forgiven.
Joy-Joy and love are the wings to achieve great dreams.

Generosity-Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share.
Health- Health is not everything, but without health, everything is nothing.

Wisdom-We never stop learning, because life never ceases to teach.
Faith and Religious Practice- A growing current in the science of psychology suggests that religious people are happier, healthier and recover better from trauma than people who are not religious.

The Blessed Hope-Jesus is coming again
The author uses many stories to illustrate the truth in all of these principles that can help us have a happier life. You can read the first chapter of this book on line for free- click here.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Say No to Drugs: A Review

Sadly, Drug abuse continues to be a major problem in many places around the world. I am glad that this book has been written to help children to be able to Say No to Drugs.   Included in the book are 2 CD’s, first one with Drama and the second one with Songs and Sound tracks for the songs.
I am sharing a review of this book and author that was so well written by the publisher I felt I couldn’t make it any better or clearer:

Drug abuse continues to be a big problem in many societies worldwide. In this book, Saustin Sampson Mfune gives a refreshing and positive prevention message through original songs and a skit. By focusing on other health behaviors such as keeping one’s environment clean and self-esteem this musical drama gives a wholistic setting to drug abuse avoidance. The spiritual component of commitment to prevention makes this book unique. This drama which provides a great entertainment at home would be appreciated in a range of settings from school assemblies, church programs, children and youth organizations and public appearances. It is a great tool for evangelism.
Songs include:

It’s Time for Pro-Active Kids
Morning Prayer

A Helping Band
Keep Your City Clean

Children’s Plea
Please Come Back
Let All Children Know

Say No to Drugs
I Pledge to Keep My Body Pure
One word sums up Saustin Sampson Mfune and that word is “Children.” Saustin Sampson Mfune is a native of Malawi, Africa and is currently serving his second term at the General Conference of SDA as an Associate Children’s Ministries Director. Mfune loves children with a passion. Due to his small stature and a big voice, he is affectionately called “Little Giant” or “A small man with a big voice.” Mfune is a gifted drama writer and a prolific composer of children’s songs. He is a great story teller holding his audiences spellbound.
For additional information about this book and to order it online please click here.

Discovering Jesus in the Bible: A Review

Elizabeth Talbot, author of Discovering Jesus in the Bible, is a prolific writer. Her popular series Jesus 101 includes: Jesus 101 Matthew-Prophecy Fulfilled, Jesus 101 Mark- Good News, Jesus 101 Salvation for all, Jesus 101 John-God Became Flesh.

Her latest in this series is Discovering Jesus in the Bible, Jesus 101 4-Kids.
I like the way this book is put together with pictures to color and a short story about a Bible character that points to Jesus.

Here is a message from the author:

Hi, I am Mrs. Talbot. I’m the speaker/director for Jesus 101, a teaching and training ministry. I love telling people about Jesus on TV, the radio and in person. I like most of all to tell them about how much Jesus loves us and how He came and died for us so that we could be saved from sin.

In this book, you will be coloring pictures about awesome Bible stories which tell us how much Jesus loves you and me. He gave His life for us so that very soon we all can live together forever in a wonderful place called heaven. That’s exciting, isn’t it? Woo Hoo!

The stories of your favorite Bible characters-Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel, Esther and others-point to Jesus and teach us that He wins in the battle against evil. The Bible is one big and exciting story. And it is a very special story because it tells us right from the beginning how the conflict between good and evil is going to end! How exciting is that? At the end of the Bible, God announces the eternal good news—JESUS WINS! That’s the end of the story!

Say it with me: JESUS WINS! Now open the book and let’s get started.

To find out how to order this new Kid’s book click here.

Transforming Grace: A Review

Jerry Bridges, author of this recently reprinted book was a well-known Christian writer and speaker. His numerous books have sold over 3.5 million copies. He served on the staff of the Navigators for more than sixty hears before his death in 2016. Jerry is survived by his wife, Jane, two children and seven grandchildren.

I like books about grace mostly because I need it so much.
From the preface to this book:

The grace of God is one of the most important subjects of Scripture. At the same time it is probably one of the least understood.

All Christians by definition believe in grace. Many of us frequently quote Paul’s well-known words in Ephesians 2:8-9: ‘For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.’ And john Newton’s beloved hymn ‘Amazing Grace’ is said to be the all-time favorite in the United States. Why then do I say the grace of God is one of the least understood subjects in the Bible?

When we think of grace, we almost always think of being saved by grace. The Bible teaches we are not only saved by grace, but we also live by grace every day of our lives. It is this important aspect of grace that seems to be so little understood or practiced by Christians.
Here are some of the important points that Jerry Bridges talks about in this book:

We all need grace:
Here is a quote from R.C. Sproul that Jerry Bridges quotes,

Perhaps the most difficult task for us to perform is to rely on God’s grace and God’s grace alone for our salvation. It is difficult for our pride to rest on grace. Grace is for other people—for beggars. We don’t want to live by a heavenly welfare system. We want to earn our own way and atone for our sins. We like to think that we will go to heaven because we deserve to be there.
Grace does not do away with God’s law. Jerry Bridges reminds us that His laws are commands for how we should live; the definition of what love is which is the fulfilling of the law.

Bridges emphasizes that God’s law is not just a request it is a command. So we really do need God’s grace.
I would encourage anyone who would like to study a good book about grace to check this one out. Visit your book store or click here to order it on line and for more information about this book.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The God Beyond Your Wildest Dreams: A Review

An excellent review of this book I find no need to replicate states as follows:

James Berglund author of this new study guide has served for 36 years in pastoral ministry. At 16 years of age, he discovered Jesus as not only his Lord but his Friend. As a convert to Adventism, he loves to teach God’s Word from a relational perspective. He says, ‘Today, a new generation needs to have not just logical facts but also a personal experience to embrace the faith of their fathers.’

The 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are far more than just a list of doctrines, rules, and proof texts. Each belief tells a powerful story of the God of indescribable love. This personal and small-group study guide unpacks each one and brings the God beyond your wildest dreams to life like never before.

To read more about this new study guide and for information on ordering it click here.

Incredible Answers to Prayer- How God intervened when one man prayed: A Review

Incredible Answers to Prayer by Roger Morneau is an exhilarating spiritual experience. It will send chills down your spine and make you rejoice that you too serve the ‘Lord of the impossible.’

It was five degrees below zero, and Roger Morneau was out of gas. If his toes froze, they would have to be amputated. The man bowed his head in prayer. ‘It was almost as if something hit the back of my automobile and it shot forward,’ he says. ‘Then the motor started to accelerate and hummed like never before.’ He drove the 27 miles to safety without a drop of gas.

This is only one of hundreds of miracles Roger Morneau has witnessed. Some saved him from an early death. But most were in response to prayers for others. People dying in a hospital get well. A man pronounced dead by his doctor lives. A Woman’s shattered relationship is suddenly filled with love and acceptance. Another man’s life and business turn around within days.
Roger Morneau believed that God had called him to pray for people. Read this book to be inspired with remarkable stories of answered prayer. Check with your favorite store to purchase a copy or click here for information to order this book on line.

The Story-The Bible as one continuing Story of God and His people: A Review

There are lots of ways to read the Bible! You can start with Genesis and read right through to Revelation. You can start with Matthew and read through the New Testament, right through to Revelation. Every chapter every verse every word is important.

For a wonderful overview of the Bible I recommend The Story!
              The Greatest Story ever told is more than just a Cliché.

God goes to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story is all about- the story of the Bible, God’s great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 accessible chapters, The Story sweeps you into the unfolding progression of Bible Characters and events from Genesis to Revelation.

Using the clear, accessible text of the NIV Bible, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. And like any good story, The Story is filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance, and redemption-and this story’s true!
As you read through The Story. You will find that this includes the main stories from the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Where the compilers of The Story have skipped over sections of the text of the complete Bible you will find a short synopsis of what is skipped.

The Story is like a Bible Story book for adults!
If you have not ever done much reading in the Bible or if you want to be inspired about how God has dealt with his people throughout history The Story is a great way to get an overview  of  The Story .

This book should not replace your complete Bible. However, this is a tremendously inspiring read,
I would encourage you to take a look at The Story at your favorite book store or for more information and to order on line click this link https://www.zondervan.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=9780310950974