Wednesday, May 16, 2018

C.D. The Man Behind the Message: A Review

I love biographies and this is a very thrilling one. Co-authored by Harold Lee and Benjamin Baker this is the story of Charles D. Brooks who was born July 24, 1930 near Greensboro, North Carolina.

Charles grew up on the family farm where times were tough, but they always had food. When Charles was 9 years old, his parents sent him to the store to purchase some items. He overheard the grocer telling a friend that it was tough because people often would not pay up for items he had let them have on credit. But he said “About two and a half miles down yonder is a Colored man named Marvin Brooks. If Brooks tells you he is coming in on Friday to bring you $3.00, you can count on having $3.00 in your palm on Friday! If everybody was like him, I would be doing very well.” Marvin Brooks was Charles Brook’s dad. This statement by the grocer made such a profound impression on Charles that right then and there he determined to be a man of his word like his father.
Charles decided he would be a dentist. However, as he was preparing to go to College, he got the very strong impression that God was calling him to be a preacher. He went to Oakwood College, now Oakwood University and studied for the ministry.

After graduation he became a pastor of several different churches and became very successful in doing evangelism and leading people to Christ.
With a 60 year ministry spanning the ghettos of the city, sands of the desert, and islands of the sea, C.D. Brooks led more than 15,000 souls to Christ on six continents and dozens of countries.

A media trailblazer, Brooks has spread the gospel through every type of media, including cassette, radio, television and internet. For 23 years this founding speaker of the Breath of Life Ministries telecast appeared in millions of homes across the globe, and was undoubtedly one of the greatest evangelists of the twentieth century.
If you have not read C.D. The Man Behind the Message I would like to encourage you to read this inspiring book, For more information and to read the first chapter on line click here.

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