Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The God Beyond Your Wildest Dreams: A Review

An excellent review of this book I find no need to replicate states as follows:

James Berglund author of this new study guide has served for 36 years in pastoral ministry. At 16 years of age, he discovered Jesus as not only his Lord but his Friend. As a convert to Adventism, he loves to teach God’s Word from a relational perspective. He says, ‘Today, a new generation needs to have not just logical facts but also a personal experience to embrace the faith of their fathers.’

The 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are far more than just a list of doctrines, rules, and proof texts. Each belief tells a powerful story of the God of indescribable love. This personal and small-group study guide unpacks each one and brings the God beyond your wildest dreams to life like never before.

To read more about this new study guide and for information on ordering it click here.

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