Sunday, December 23, 2018

God’s Character and the Last Generation: A Review

When I first got this book I wondered how “heavy” a read it was going to be. I was pleasantly pleased to find that while it is covering a deep theological subject, it is easily readable.

The book is authored by 12 different Andrews University professors.
In Word from the Editors Jiri Moskala & John C. Peckham state;

It is our prayer and hope that you will find in this book solid and edifying material, which will encourage you in your walk with the Lord and will give you assurance of your salvation in Jesus Christ, faith in His leadership and providence, lasting inner joy, and satisfying answers to some of your perplexing questions. When our self-confidence and assumptions are challenged, we may be able to find more solid ground for our faith and understanding of the truth. Let’s remember that even our best formulations and expressions of truth are rudimentary, because only God, who is the ultimate Judge, has the last word. May our gracious, caring, holy, and awesome Lord inspire each reader to follow the path of truth in this complicated world in which we live as we serve and await the glorious coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Definitely this book helped me to think through these issues and I would encourage you to read the first chapter at the following this link  and that will help you decide if this is a book you want to own.

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