Monday, November 26, 2018

Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout: A Review

The author Dr. Rick Rigsby is President and CEO of Rick Rigsby Communications. The former award-winning journalist followed a television career with graduate school-and two decades as a college professor, most of those years at Texas A&M University, where he also served as character coach and chaplain for the Aggies football team. Dr. Rick’s dynamic presentations motivate, empower, and inspire worldwide—from Africa and Asia to the Americas, Europe and Canada. Rick’s audiences include fortune 500 companies, academic communities and service organizations. The internationally acclaimed speaker is a favorite among professional sports organizations, including the National football League and the PGA. Named twice as an outstanding professor in the College of Liberal Arts at Texas A & M, Dr Rick has numerous publications. Lessons from a Third-Grade Dropout is a USA TODAY, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon Best seller.

Dr Rick’s dad was a 3rd grade dropout. However he taught Rick by precept and example so many lessons which made Rick what he is today! 

One of the main emphasis given by Dr. Rick’s dad involved being kind.

A Choice to be kind:

Is the lack of kindness killing your career? Does your lack of kindness affect relationships? Are you stuck in the basement of life? Has your rise to the top stalled? Are you passed over constantly when it comes to promotions? Are you finding yourself less than satisfied despite your position in the organization?  Are you unfulfilled in your present position? Have you discovered that status and sleek business cards fail to comfort feelings of inadequacy and insecurity? Do you find yourself just going through the motions? Are you merely stuck in neutral? Or, worse yet, in reverse? Are you watching others live your dreams? Are you making a choice to allow your season to pass you by? In your heart you know that receiving more training is not the answer. Developing additional skill sets of technological competency is not what is needed. You can receive the best training available, possess all the skill in the world, and own a wealth of knowledge, but still have a resume stamped “incomplete” or a life labeled “unsatisfied” or a dream marked “unfulfilled.” I have great news! Your noble quest toward living a complete, enriched life begins simply and unwittingly with a choice to be kind.

Kind Deeds Are Never Lost

The Positive Power of Kindness

At the very least, simple acts of kindness have the potential to produce some radical results such as:

A joyful attitude

A positive outlook

A peaceful mind

A pleasant disposition

A kind word

A helping hand

Other character traits covered in this book are:

Discipline, Helping Others, Excellence, Character, and Never, Never, Never, Never give Up!

Click here to watch one of Dr.Rick's moving speeches.

You can then look for this helpful book at your local book store or order on an online venue such as The isbn for this book is 978-1-5995-1000-2

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