Sunday, December 23, 2018

Vision in the Storm-Stories from Adventist History: A Review

The author Rachel Whitaker Cabose has written 19 stories of early Adventists, many of them young people who were instrumental in the formation and growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Beginning with Captain William Miller who was a Captain in the war of 1812 and later studied the Bible in which he found his Savior and the truth that Jesus is coming soon. From the people who accepted the message that Jesus is coming soon grew the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The soon second-coming of Jesus Christ is at the core of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs.
Then there was Captain Joseph Bates who was a sea captain. After accepting Jesus as his Savior, he made strict rules of no swearing and no alcohol on his ship. Many of the sailors appreciated that and were sorry when he decided to retire as a sea captain.

Others whose stories are told in this well written book include Ellen G White, James White, Annie and Uriah Smith, John Andrews and several others.
It is especially interesting to read these stories and see how God led in the past in the formation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You can read the first  chapter from this book for free on line by clicking here

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