Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Book of Revelation: A Review

Author Ranko Stefanovic’s new book on Revelation, the Apocalypse, is one of the most recent titles to be published on the subjects included in the bible’s book of Revelation.

There are 13 chapters in this book one for each of the 1st thirteen weeks of 2019. It is specially recommended as a companion book to the Adult Bible Study Guide and covers the main topics of the book of Revelation. An excellent study guide for use in studying the book of Revelation whether one is following the Adult Bible Study Guide or not.
My favorite chapter in this book is chapter 13 which is entitled “I Make All Things New.”

The book of Revelation closes with a benediction: “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all” (verse 21). This phrase is more than just a customary benediction. It is God’s assurance that people’s only hope is in Christ’s grace. Christ is the answer to all human hopes and longings amid the enigmas and uncertainties of life. The future may look frightening and gloomy, but God will be with His people until the very end (Matthew 28:20). He holds the future in His hands. His grace is promised to all who take the messages of the Apocalypse seriously, and He will equip His people to endure the tumultuous times of the final crisis. It is through Christ’s grace that Revelation’s promises become reality. Soon He will return, claim His faithful people, and usher them into their eternal home.
It is exciting to be reminded that God has been working on His plan to be finished with the struggles and trials of this sinful world.

You can read the first chapter of this new book on line for free. Click here.

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