Sunday, July 7, 2019

When Your Best Isn't Good Enough: A Review

The subtitle of this book is Breaking Free from Perfectionism and the author is Dr. Kevin Leman.

Dr. Leman examines the problem of “Perfectionism” from several different angles.

He says some people are so intent on doing everything absolutely perfect that they can accomplish very little and eventually may give up!

Some people compare themselves with others and just cannot measure up.

Some people have been compared to others by their parents, teachers or friends so much so such that they feel like giving up because it seems like they can never do the activity they’re being compared as well as these others they’re being compared to.

Each person in the entire universe is different. Some things one person can do better than others. It may be that what you are doing is not where you have the gift inherent in you to excel in that specific thing.

Dr. Leman tells several stories about people who “failed” and “failed” but kept on keeping on and found the right fit for their capabilities and became someone great.

Dr Leman writes:

People can find fault with you for any reason. Some people, it seems, have dedicated their lives to criticizing faults in others.

But remember, whenever you are victimized by such people, or whenever your best efforts aren’t good enough, I want you to remember a few of your fellow human beings who were also viciously criticized and who suffered rejection and failure: Men like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Winston Churchill.

Yes sir. The next time somebody tells you that something you did wasn’t good enough or puts you down in any way, just lift your head and remember you’re keeping some mighty fine company.

You can find more information on this book by clicking here. You can also check out this at your local bookstore or order it online.

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