Sunday, July 28, 2019

Rise Above-How one man's search for mobility helped the world get moving: A Review

When Ralph Braun was 6 years old, he was told that he would not live to see his 13th birthday…

Ralph Braun had two options: sit and wait for that prediction to come true or use those words as fuel to prove it wrong. He never gave it a second thought to which path he would choose.

It is a fascinating story how in spite of muscular dystrophy he went to school where sometimes friends had to carry him up the stairs so he could get to his classroom since most schools were not wheel chair accessible in those days.

Then the wheel chair was too slow to get around so he invented a motorized scooter the Tri-Wheler. When the factory where he was working as a quality control inspector moved a few miles away, he outfitted an old postal jeep with hand controls and a hydraulic lift so he could have reliable transportation to and from work regardless of weather conditions.

No matter who the reader, this book offers something for everyone. Ralph Braun’s story is an inspiration to “rise above” any challenge.

Ralph W Braun was founder and CEO of BraunAbility the largest manufacturer of wheelchair lifts and wheelchair accessible vehicles in the world. He was an innovator and pioneer of the mobility industry and passed away in February 2013 at the age of 72!

I found this story extremely inspiring. Please click here to find out how to order this book and help people who need assistance in paying for their wheelchair accessible vehicles.

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