Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Power of a Promise: A Review

Author Ralph L. Ringer talks about Covenants all the way through this book from the preface where he defines a covenant as a two-sided promise and right on through 8 chapters and the Conclusion of the book.

He traces God’s Covenant with His people starting with Adam and Eve, Noah through Abraham, Moses and the Covenant with Israel, The Covenant revealed through Daniel’s writing and introducing the Messiah fulfilling the Covenant. Then he continues with what he calls, First-Generation Covenant Identity Crisis, and the Expanding Family Tree when the Covenant was shared with non-Jewish people right through to where the Conclusion of the Covenant is completed.

The book details the various Covenants (the same covenant we know but expressed in different ways through the ages) that God made with his people providing salvation from sin.

Ralph Ringer states: “God is already committed to his side of the promise.”

Have you accepted the Messiah’s invitation to be a part of this everlasting covenant?

You can read more about this new book including the entire first chapter. Click here.

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