Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Bread of Angels: A Review

I enjoy biblical fiction because the fiction helps me learn more about people and events described in the Bible. Bread of Angels is the story of Lydia, the seller of purple cloth and garments who became a Christian in Philippi when the apostle Paul came there to preach.
The book’s author, Tessa Afeshar, was born in Iran to a nominally Muslim family and lived there for the first 14 years of her life. She then moved to England and “survived” boarding school for girls and thereafter moved to the United States.

Tessa converted to Christianity in her twenties,after coming to the United States,which changed the course of her life forever.
Tessa places the subject of her book, Lydia and her father in Thyatira, which is the setting of the book. Lydia’s mother was killed by a wild boar when she was a small child.

For purposes of the story, Lydia is Greek. She works with her father in his shop creating purple cloth and garments from the cloth. Her father has a secret dye he created which makes their purple very special.
A Roman family wants their secret formula and eventually Lydia has to leave town and travels to Philippi with a Jewish girl who was disinherited because she refused to marry an old man her father wanted her to marry. Bit by bit, the Jewish girl tells Lydia stories of her Jewish heritage and before the story is over both Lydia and her Jewish friend have become Christians.

If you like learning more about the Bible times and enjoy biblical fiction this is a good book for you to read.  The isbn is 978-1-964-0647-7

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