Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Life in the Valley: A Review

 James Dobson has been quoted as saying that 93% of people will admit that they were raised in a dysfunctional family, and the other 7% are liars. In other words every family has some dysfunction.

When you read Life in the Valley the biography of Laura Hamilton, written by Susan Harvey you will agree that the dysfunction in Laura’s home were colossal.

Laura was the 8th of 11 children and grew up on a 650-acre farm in Texas.  Her dad farmed another 2,200 acres. Everyone worked on the farm. When Laura was 6-1/2 years old she learned to drive the farm truck and she with her 3-1/2 year-old brother would drive out at 5 in the morning to wake up the 150 milk cows and bring them in to the barn for milking.

Laura loved the farm but soon was subject to abuse and struggled to find peace. By the time she was 14, she seriously considered suicide because of all the abuse she was suffering. As she was entertaining these thoughts, she heard a voice in her mind telling her ‘don’t commit suicide; change your attitude and be determined to be a success.’  With that, Laura decided she would be a medical doctor but later changed her mind and decided to study chemical engineering. She studied hard and her analytical mind was helpful in questioning many things in the field.

By this time, Laura had turned her back on her childhood religion of German Catholic and instead visited most of the protestant churches in her town and then started studying non -Christian religions.

I encourage you to read her story and see where God led her. For more information about this book click on the following link- you can read the first chapter and also listen to an audio recording of Laura telling an overview of the highlights of her story.

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