Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Where the Wind Leads: A Review

A Refugee Family’s Miraculous Story of Loss, Rescue, and Redemption by Vinh Chung with Tim Downs
Foreword by Richard Stearn, president, World Vision US

Where the Wind Leads is the remarkable account of Vinh Chung and his refugee family’s daring escape from communist oppression in Vietnam for the chance of a better life in America. It’s the story of personal sacrifice, endurance against almost insurmountable odds, and what it means to be an American.
The author was 3-1/2 years old when his family was forced to flee Vietnam in June 1979.

Several weeks later, his family lay half-dead from dehydration in a derelict fishing boat jammed with ninety-three refugees in the middle of the South China Sea. They arrived in the United States with nothing but the clothes on their backs and unable to speak a single word in English.
That was in 1979.

Now his family holds 21 University degrees and Vinh is a medical doctor with a successful medical practice in Colorado. He also serves on the board of World Vision.
This is one of the most inspiring autobiographies that I have read in a long time and I recommend it highly.

The isbn # is 978-0-8499-47568

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