Wednesday, July 12, 2017

On Sand and in Stone: A Magazine Review

This story comes from the July 2017 issue of the monthly magazine Signs of the Times. I really liked it so I have decided share it on my blog even though my blog is about book reviews.
One day two friends began to argue as they walked through the desert. The dispute became so intense that one of them slapped the other one in the face. Without saying a word, the one who was slapped bent over and wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend slapped my face.”

Continuing their journey, they came to an oasis and bathed in the water. Unfortunately, the one who was slapped sank in the miry bottom and began to drown but his friend rescued him. After he had rested for a bit, the friend who nearly drowned found a flat surface on the sandstone cliff near the oasis where he carved the words, “Today my best friend saved my life.”
His friend said, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, but when I saved your life you carved on a stone, Why?”

He replied, “When someone hurts us, we should write the injury in sand so that the winds of forgiveness can blow away the memory. But when someone blesses us we must engrave the record in stone so that no wind can ever erase it.”
To learn more about this magazine click on the following link:

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