Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Burst the Bubble: A Review

In Burst the Bubble-Finding Your Passion for Community Outreach, author Sung K. Kwon asks a number of deep questions and also makes some good suggestions.

As leading servants, are we making any impact on the communities in which our institutions are located? What about our churches, schools, and hospitals and book stores? Are these neighborhoods better places to live because of our existence in these communities? When was the last time that you heard someone from the community say, “I am a better father today because of your church;” or “I am a better mother because of your hospital;” or “I am a better person because of your school” or “I am a better person because of your book store?”
The problem is not our inability to do this; it is our pride and our lack of concern for people. That is a problem God has observed about His people throughout the ages. Because of institutionalized, corporate “churchianity,” we are often reluctant to be connected with people outside our church, hospital, school or book store.

Growing up Christian we have been taught and trained to sell our brand of religion. We are so intent on convincing people that their lives are messed up, that their faith is wrong, and that their beliefs are incorrect that we overlook the fact that we are unskilled at listening to and engaging people. We often look at these people as prospects for membership, rather than as spiritual beings with the same need for God that we have.
Bill Hybels says that Christ through the church is “the hope of the world,” Sung Kwon in this book teaches us that servants are the hope of the kingdom of God.

God has called us to servanthood; that is nonnegotiable.
We follow Jesus in humble and loving service, as He Himself was the humble Servant. By Christ’s model of compassionate service and love, we can lead people to spiritual transformation, and then transform the world for the kingdom of God on earth, as it is in heaven.

You can read the first chapter on line for free by clicking here.

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