Tuesday, January 30, 2018

My Favorite Courage Stories: A Review

My Favorite Courage Stories is the fifth in Joe Wheeler’s “My Favorite” series
Previous titles in this series are;

My Favorite Prayer Stories
My Favorite Life Changing Stories

My Favorite Miracle Stories
My Favorite Angel Stories

I have read and thoroughly enjoyed each one of these books and especially enjoyed this latest one My Favorite Courage Stories. In the introduction to this  volume, its author Joe Wheeler tells us just as it is true with the proverbial “Six Blind Men of Hindustan,” who each approached an elephant from a different angle, the same is true with the word courage.
Indeed, even dictionary editors find the word to be so protean, it takes many words for them to define it.

Since the average person (of any age) finds it so difficult to internalize abstractions, it is far more effective and illuminating to immerse oneself into stories about people who were courageous in one form or another.
For most people, courage is an ideal; a trait that men, women, and children instinctively aspire to and dread discovering that those they admire most consider them to be lacking in it.

This book is filled with amazing true stories of people who exhibited courage in challenging circumstances. It was very hard to put the book down once I started reading it.
You can read the first chapter for free on line by clicking here.

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