Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Madison God's Beautiful Farm: A Review

This is an extremely fascinating story of E. A Sutherland and Percy Magan, two men were deeply involved in the development of Seventh-day Adventist college.

The two men worked at Battle Creek College, they started Walla Walla College in Washington State and then Emmanuel Missionary College in Michigan which later became Andrews University. They were very dedicated in their work and sometimes their conservative standards were not appreciated by all the leaders. However they persevered.
An interesting austere policy they followed both at Emmanuel Missionary College and Walla Walla college was no heat provided in the dormitories. E A Sutherland said he wanted the students to be prepared for the difficult circumstances in whatever mission field they would serve in.

Eventually they went to Tennessee and began the Madison School. One of the  policies they had was that both students and faculty would work at manual labor such as farming for half days and do study half days. This actually made it possible for many students to attend college who would not have been able to if there had not been this work/study program.
Madison became very successful and for many years prospered and trained students who became workers for God in many successful programs.

An interesting thing that I learned is that both of these leaders, Sutherland and Magan as older adults studied medicine and received their MD degree. Shortly after that the College of Medical Evangelists, which now is Loma Linda University in California was being established and Dr. Percy Magan was asked to come and help. He, however, did not want to leave his work with Dr. Sutherland but eventually did go and was very instrumental in the success of this school.
Early on they were short of money and Dr. Magan contacted Dr. Sutherland about the need. Dr. Sutherland contacted some people he knew and a group of them went out to California and eventually gave enough money to help the school in this time of crisis.

So, what was a relatively small but very successful school in Tennessee, became instrumental in the Medical School surviving and prospering in California.
God uses many ways to bring His work forward.

I would encourage you to read this book and be inspired with this fascinating story.
For more information and to order this book go to www.TEACHServices.com and type in the title of the book on the search bar.

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