Friday, January 5, 2018

The Curse: A Review

“By the time I graduated high school in 1976, I was convinced I was living with a ghost. It had taken over my bedroom, which was actually a separate, oval-shaped guesthouse perched on a cliff about fifty yards in front of my parents’ lakeside 1930s home near Malibu. The lakefront was a small, artsy community made up of actors, musicians, and other quirky professionals who spurned conformity. It was a Tinsel Town, hippie haven where the residents agreed to live and let live. Having a resident ghost was not all that unusual there, and it fit right in with my lifelong fascination with the occult. In the Girl Scouts, we frequently indulged in séances during sleepovers, told ghost stories, and levitated each other. I loved watching spooky TV Shows late at night and reading books about ghost towns, haunted houses, and witchcraft, and so I was excited to have a ghost of my own-at least in the beginning.” So the author of this book begins her story.

This is a book that I would recommend for a number of reasons but one of the main being it helps one to understand that ghosts are demons. Best to stay clear of them because as the story develops you realize that it is not easy to get rid of them.
Thank God that through His power and mercy it is possible.

To read more about this story and to read the first chapter on line for free click here.

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