Sunday, March 25, 2018

From Cotton Fields to Mission Fields: A Review

This is the amazing story of Anna Knight, a woman of courage from the Deep South.  She was born to a slave mother and a white father in Jasper County Mississippi cotton fields. She realized living and working the cotton fields were not what she wanted her life to be so she taught herself to read and write and eventually became the first in her family to graduate from college.

As a young person, she started a school for black children in the area and eventually went to Battle Creek Sanitarium in Michigan where she studied nursing.  She traveled to India as a missionary and served for nearly 7 years before coming to Mississippi and restarting the school that had been burned by the Knight riders.
Anna Knight kept a detailed record of her work from 1911 until she retired. She conducted 9,388 meetings, made 11,744 missionary visits, wrote 48,918 letters and traveled 554,439 mile, which did not include miles traveled in India.

She was, indeed, a woman of purpose and determination and made life better for others following in her footsteps.
For more information about the book and information on ordering a copy click here.

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