Friday, March 2, 2018

In Search of the Cross: A Review

The book by Robert J Wieland was first published about 50 years ago.  I first read it in 1972 and just finished reading it for the 7th time here in February 2018.

I still consider it one of my very favorite books!

The apostle Paul’s “thing” is the subject of this book. According to the King James Version, he says, “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Galatians 6:14 We have no word in modern English that fully covers what that word “glory” means. Combine all the will to attain, the pride of possession, the passion to know and appreciate, the charm of beauty, the yearning for thrills, that modern man knows in his endless quest for life’s pleasures. Then you can begin to sense what Paul meant when he said, “I…glory…in the cross.” I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2.

A glimpse of the cross is better than all the labored arguments employed to prove that Jesus is divine. Once discern the nature of the love revealed there, and the Victim stands out clearly as none other than the Son of God. Only, “God is Love,” 1 John 4:8.Human love could never stage or invent the demonstration that we see at Calvary…Jesus’ love carries its own built-in witness to prove its credentials are divine.

This love sends the appeal of the cross home to human hearts in the awareness that the One who died thereon is every man’s truest and closest relative, the unfailing Friend who has always loved him when he was most inclined to hate himself, the Companion who has remained with him in his shadows and believed in him when he doubted and disowned himself. Every man has at times been faintly conscious of this brightest of all hopes—that Someone trusted him and believed in him while knowing the fullness of all his guilty secrets. Sweeter than the words “I love you” is the assurance, “I believe in you; I trust you all the way; I risk everything on your future.”

This timeless book In Search of the Cross reveals the power of Jesus’ Cross. I highly recommend it. If your local book store does not stock it, you can order it at You can also order  this book from

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