Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Acts of the Apostles: A Review

I have just finished reading this 600 plus page book by Ellen G White. Originally published in 1911 it is a masterpiece in telling the stories of these three Apostles, Paul, Peter, and John.
A major portion of the book deals with the Apostle Paul, his conversion and his missionary journeys as well as his imprisonment and his martyr death.

To Paul the cross was the one object of supreme interest. Ever since he had been arrested in his career of persecution against the followers of the crucified Nazarene he had never ceased to glory in the cross.  At that time there had been given him a revelation of the infinite love of God, as revealed in the death of Christ; and a marvelous transformation had been wrought in his life, bringing all his plans and purposes into harmony with heaven. From that hour he had been a new man in Christ. He knew by personal experience that when a sinner once beholds the love of the Father, as seen in the sacrifice of His Son, and yields to the divine influence, a change of heart takes place, and henceforth Christ is all in all.

At the time of his conversion, Paul was inspired with a longing desire to help his fellow men to behold Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of the living God, mighty to transform and save. Henceforth his life was wholly devoted to an effort to portray the love and power of the Crucified One… If ever his ardor in the path of duty flagged, one glance at the cross and the amazing love there revealed, was enough to cause him to gird up the loins of his mind and press forward in the path of self-denial.
For information on this book and information on ordering this book click here

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