Friday, September 28, 2018

Live More Happy: A Review

This brand new book by Dr. Darren Morton contains scientifically proven ways to lift your mood and your life.  Dr. Morton uses the acronym S M I L E R S
Speak Positively

Move Dynamically

Immerse in an uplifting physical and social environment

Look to the Positive

Eat Nutritiously

Rest Well: Sleep/Stress Less


The author talks about the area of the brain that has been referred to as “Limbo,” which the author goes on to explain how that part of our brain can help us to be happier or otherwise.
Our Limbo is the part of our brain that determines how we feel—scientists even refer to it as the “emotional brain.” Put simply, it is our “home of happy,” if we stimulate it in the right way. This is what this book is dedicated to doing-helping us discover  how to stimulate our Limbo in the right way, so we can feel better and “happier” more often—more “up” and less “down”! And there are some really good reasons why we should do this.
Essentially, optimists have a tendency to bombard their Limbo with uplifting words, while pessimists flood theirs with doom and gloom.
Speaking positively to others benefits both them and us.
Of all the means procured by wisdom to ensure happiness throughout the whole of life, by far the most important is the acquisition of friends.
Some people bring happiness wherever they go; others bring happiness whenever they go.
The combined results of more than 100 studies show that strong social relationships are as important to a long life as not smoking.
Expressing gratitude is now known to have many benefits, both mental and physical.
The excitement of looking forward to something can be all it takes to pick us up when we are feeling down.
Dr. Morton says we need Sabbath rest on every seventh day. Studies have shown that just any day of rest does not give the health benefits as resting on the 7th day does.
This is one of the finest books I have ever read and I highly recommend it. Check with your book store for a copy of this book or click here for  information on ordering it.

The half-Stitched Amish Book Club: A Review

Lives are Transformed…One Stitch at a Time

Amish widow Emma Yoder decides to hold quilting classes in her home as a means of becoming self-sufficient. So she advertises in the newspaper for a quilting class and a very interesting combination of people show up for the class.

There’s Star Stephens, a young woman yearning for stability; Pam and Stuart Johnston, a struggling couple at odds in their marriage; Paul Ramirez, a widowed father hoping to find solace in finishing a quilt; Jan Sweet, a rough and tough biker looking for something creative to do; and Ruby Lee Williams a preacher’s wife seeking relaxation amid mounting parish problems.

Emma finds that she is able to not only teach quilting but also to help their fragmented lives to find the help they need from the healing hand of God.
It is a good read and the story shows how God can even use a quilting club to reach people and help them work through the problems in their lives.

If you are not able to locate this book at your book store you can order it from Amazon.
I recommend it highly.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Fake News-How Satan's Lies Are Deceiving Millions: A Review

Jim Gilley covers the following topics in his new book Fake News.

Fake News Is Nothing New

Is God Responsible for Both Good and Evil?

When a Person Dies-What Then?

Are Sinners Burning in Hell Today?

God’s Ten-Commandment Law

God’s Special Day

Knowing and Following Truth

Gilley takes the non-biblical (Fake) understanding of the answers to the questions above and then shows what the Bible clearly teaches.

The book is a good read and reminds us that Satan has been spreading Fake News since before he was cast out of heaven.

You can read the first chapter of this book for free by clicking here.

Love Seasons-Finding love in unlikely places: A Review

Our love is likely to go through different seasons-and, for each of them, Jeffrey and Pattiejean Brown can give us encouragement and counsel, based on Scripture and their years of experience ministering to many couples. Whether you’re married or single, there’s something here that will help you to love.

The authors likened the seasons of love in our life to the seasons of the year; Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1, ESV

Be prepared in season and out of season. 2 Timothy 4:2 NIV-UK

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. Genesis 8:22, ESV

Because of their experience with counseling many couples through the years they have been able to include real life scenarios to illustrate the seasons of love.

For more information on this helpful book and to find how to order a copy please click here.

The Road to Magnolia Glen-A Natchez Trace Novel: A Review

I enjoyed this historical fiction by Pam Hillman. The story is set in 1792 when Quinn O’Shea and his two younger brothers come to the colonies in America from Ireland to deliver his two young brothers to his older brother Connor so he, Quinn, can be through with the burden of taking care of the younger brothers ever since their parents died several years before.

Quinn then wants to be free to explore the world!
On the boat traveling to America, Quinn meets three sisters who are being sent to America supposedly for the older sister to have an arranged marriage. Turns out things are not as expected, so Quinn offers to escort the three sisters to Breeze Hill Plantation, where his brother lives. Lots of things happen and you will have to read the story to find out how Quinn finally offers to become an indentured servant for 21 years to redeem the three young ladies from the sinister deal that had been negotiated by their brother-in-law for the three sisters.

To read more about this story and for information on ordering the book click here. You could also check with your favorite book store to locate a copy.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

There Is An Answer: A Review

Author Alejandro Bullon addresses a number of key questions people have in this 12-chapter book, each chapter addressing a specific question. I found his writing very clear.

Here are the chapters:
Our Greatest Need

Is It Possible to Believe in God?
Where Do We Come from, and Where Are We Going?

Why Pain, Suffering, and Death?
Can God Change My Life?

Is It Possible to Be Happy?
Living Longer and Better

Is It Necessary to Have a Family?
What Happens after Death?

Will a New World Order Be Established?
When Will the End of the World Come?

Will There Be a New Earth?
I especially enjoyed the chapter Where Do We Come from and Where Are We Going? Dr. Bullon gives an overview of several theories that have been held through the ages on where we came from and then talks about the Biblical creation story. While he asks, “Can what the Bible says be proven in a laboratory?” he answers, “No because the Bible is not a book about science, it does not make such a claim,” adding “the Bible is a book of faith with instructional language” whose objective “is to show spiritual principles that link human beings to their Creator.” What the Bible says, he concludes, “is a matter to be decided, trusted, or doubted, to believe or disbelieve.”

Dr. Bullon says there are many  things we as human beings believe without analyzing them in a laboratory to show that is part of the human condition to have to take many things on faith and evidence.
I especially enjoyed some to the amazing facts about the Universe that Dr Bullon talks about, which to the thinking person would make it seem totally necessary that there be a master mind to have created this immense universe.

1000 planets the size of this earth would fit within Jupiter. 1.2 million planets like Jupiter would fit within the sun with additional room for more than 4 million moons. The immensity of creation shows how great our God is.
I recommend this book and for  more information about the book and information for ordering it please click here.

Story of Hope: A Review

How did our world get so badly messed up? Why is their suffering? Where did evil come from? Will it ever end?

Questions such as these trouble many a thinking person. Science has not answers to them, and philosophy has many conflicting answers. Where can we find the truth?

The material in this book is selected and adapted from a larger work, The Story of Redemption. The author, Ellen G White, was included among the 100 most significant Americans of all time by Smithsonian magazine in a special issue (Spring 2015) Her works have been translated into more than 160 languages, more than those of any other woman anywhere. Millions have benefited from her insights and inspiration.

Story of Hope is an opportunity for you to do so too.

This 128 page book is based on the Bible. (At the beginning of each chapter the scriptures are listed that the main information is drawn from).

The first chapter entitled The Rebellion, tells where Satan came from. Then subsequent chapters give an overview of the history of this world and the last chapter, The New Beginning speaks of the hope that we can have, based on the teaching of the Bible that someday there will be a new earth and the evils of this world will be no more.

Click here for more information about this book and for information on ordering it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Proverbial Cracker Jack, How to get out of the box and become the Prize: A Review

I have read this book more than once. It is a must read if you wish to be inspired to live life to the fullest and, as its author Dr. Dale Henry puts it, “Become the Prize.”

Every chapter in this book is based on a verse from the Bible book of Proverbs.

Dr Henry has chosen to approach the book of Proverbs by thinking about a box of Cracker Jacks popcorn.
He recalls how as a child, you opened your box of candy coated popcorn and peanuts and really looked for the prize.

He says:

Sometimes you’re going to meet people who are not only puffed up, but candy coated. They’ll tell you how important you are, too. And if you’re not careful, you’ll believe them. And everybody knows that all organizations have at least a couple of nuts. They’re there.

But in every organization, even if there are only two people there, there’s also a prize. There’s a person who day in and day out takes care of the organization’s needs. They’re helpful. You might say that their lives are a proverb. Their very existence shows us the way.
Dr. Henry stresses that one should never say; “It’s not my job.” He tells some very interesting stories of things that happened to him when he helped someone with a need even though he was in one case mistaken for a bell-boy at a motel. You need to read the story to see what happened!

Dr Henry also stresses that we should never leave something undone that later we would have to say, “I wish I had…”.
The book is full of stories-many of them will make you laugh. Laughing is good for you so if for no other reason, read this book for the laughs.

A couple more points to ponder: “The customer is always served.” “The difference between success and failure isn’t always ability. Sometimes it’s a little thing like attitude, the way we look at the world around us.”
To learn more about this exciting book and to order on line click here.

Thief of Corinth: A Review

This is a biblical fiction written by Tessa Afshar and includes specific people from the Bible: Paul, Dionysius, Priscilla, and Aquila.

The author has done extensive research into the time when the apostle Paul worked in Corinth and has created the story of Ariadne and her father, Galenos. Both get caught up in being thieves – ostensibly for a good cause. In fact, Galenos is labeled the “Honorable Thief” then Ariadne saves her father’s life in one of his thieving attempts, tying herself into the thievery.
On the other hand, Ariadne’s brother Dionysius meets the Apostle Paul while in Athens and when he comes back home, he introduces Adriane and their father to the Apostle Paul and soon they realize that they must stop their double life of being respectable citizens of Corinth and also being thieves. It is hard, however, especially for Ariadne, to stop the thieving because Ariadne and her father had become quite adept with robbing from rich people and giving to the poor and, of course, helping themselves also with part of the loot.

Eventually Ariadne talks with the Apostle Paul and asks, “Tell me, Paul, does your God have room in his heart for a thief?” The apostle tells her about the thief that was crucified next to Jesus and accepted Jesus as his Savior.  He assured Ariadne that, yes God had room even for thieves.
The story depicts some of how things were in Corinth, how people lived and also how the gospel could reach even thieves.

If you enjoy Biblical fiction you  may  look for this in your favorite book store or to order on line click here

Is Heaven for Real: A Review

Is heaven a real place?

People have a lot to say about it. Some even claim to have been there. But what does the Bible say about heaven? Is it an actual place? Is it a faraway, floating sphere with clouds and babies playing harps? Today, more than anytime in earth’s history, people ae longing for something more—something better—something real they can count on for their future.

Every day disasters and tragedies happen around the world. Nations are divided. Intolerance is on the rise. Where can we place our hope and trust.

Using Scripture as a guide, Is Heaven for Real? Answers questions such as the following:

Is heaven a real place?

When do we get to go?

What will heaven be like?

What about hell?

How long is forever?

Chris Holland, the author of this recent title has done an excellent job of drawing together the answers to these questions from the Bible. You can read the first chapter on line by clicking here.